Main Idea &Vacabulary
Comma Usage & Vocabulary
Parallel Structure & Vocabulary
Tools of Persuasion , Text Structure, vivid language
Infinitives, Indirect Objects, adjective clauses, transitive verbs
Which of the following sentences does not contain information important enough to include in a summary of the passage? A. During a visit to the docks on a late December day, Mistress Madge was about to give up sifting through a catch of sharks when a blue fin caught her eye. B. Once Dr. Smith closely examined every fin, bone, and scale of the fish, he was convinced it was indeed the long-lost coelacanth (see-la-kanth). C. The species is believed to have been in existence for over 450 million years. D. Coelacanths swim forward, backward, and belly-up
What is D. Coelacanths swim forward, backward, and belly-up
Select the pair below that does not represent a pair of synonyms. F. Artificial—false G. Attain—acquire H. Varied—different J. Cunning—genuine
What is J. Cunning—genuine
Which of the following is a compound sentence with a compound subject? A. Either Greg will furnish sandwiches for refreshments, or Mrs. Taylor will bring pizza. B. Thomas always attends the weekend rehearsals, but Nan and Beth usually go out of town. C. Percy went to the mall and bought a new sweater for his trip to North Carolina. D. Both Rachel and Anna brought food to the game and shared it with everyone in the stands.
What is B. Thomas always attends the weekend rehearsals, but Nan and Beth usually go out of town.
Based upon the sequence of events in lines 21-33, what can the reader infer about the cause of Dr. Smith’s eagerness to reach the museum? F. The correct solution has been used to accurately preserve the specimen. G. Mistress Madge has sent the fish expert an accurate drawing of a rare specimen. H. Dr. Smith wants to use his skills as a fish expert to see if he can identify the specimen. J. Dr. Smith recognizes the species and wants to search the river for more fish
What is G. Mistress Madge has sent the fish expert an accurate drawing of a rare specimen.
Read the following sentence. Which of the following words means the same as competent as it is used in the sentence? The student teacher is competent in social studies and will teach the class a lesson about the Constitution of the United States on Friday. A. dignified B. qualified C. important D. professional
What is The student teacher is competent in social studies and will teach the class a lesson about the Constitution of the United States on Friday.
Which of the following lines will the reader use to characterize Mistress Madge as being responsible and observant? F. Lines 3–4 G. Lines 5–8 H. Lines 11–12 J. Lines 21–24
What is J. Lines 21–24
Read the following sentence. Carlos felt indebted to Mark because Mark saved Carlos’s kayak from floating into the middle of the lake. What does indebted mean in the sentence? A. Feeling cautious about B. Being considerate of C. Having gratitude for D. Owing money to
What is C. Having gratitude for
Sharissa’s teacher gave an assignment to compose a descriptive paragraph using sensory details and vivid language. Read Sharissa’s draft. Just out my back door, the lavender lilac blooms covered the bushes like a blanket. I strolled around the edge of the yard, inhaling the pleasing fragrance, focusing on my favorite bush. One of the most beautiful sights of early spring always reminded me of my grandmother. The sweet, floral aroma brought a calming peace about me, just as my Mimi’s perfume had. As I approached the largest lilac bush in the yard, I bent over slightly, gently placed my index and middle fingers under the bloom, and raised the petals to my nose, capturing the recognizable scents I hold so dear. Which of the following is a vivid detail that can be added to Sharissa’s draft? F. Tiny blooms hung from the really big bush. G. Honey bees especially like the taste of the lilacs. H. The big backyard had many beautiful lilac bushes. J. The fragile petals were velvet patches on my fingertips.
What is J. The fragile petals were velvet patches on my fingertips.
Read the following sentences. How will these two sentences be combined into a single sentence containing an adjective clause? (1) The Fox family moved into the house on the corner last month. (2) The Fox family has painted their house an odd shade of green. F. After the Fox family moved last month into the house on the corner, they painted it an odd shade of green. G. The Fox family, who moved into the house on the corner last month, has painted it an odd shade of green. H. When the Fox family moved into the house on the corner last month, they painted it an odd shade of green. J. The Fox family moved into the house on the corner last month before it was painted an odd shade of green.
What is G. The Fox family, who moved into the house on the corner last month, has painted it an odd shade of green.
Read the following entry from a thesaurus. deteriorating: crumbling, decaying declining, fading, rotting, worsening Now read the following sentence from the passage. Mistress Madge had to get her discovery back to the museum lab quickly because the fish was deteriorating in South Africa’s December heat. Which word from the thesaurus entry can be justified as a replacement for deteriorating without changing the meaning of the sentence? F. worsening G. crumbling H. decaying J. fading
What is H. decaying
Which of the following sentences is written correctly? F. Because members often use the clubhouse, the hallway inside needs a new rug. G. The project was started twenty years ago, all parts of the project are now complete. H. The outside of Joan’s house was painted by professional painters, after the new garage was added. J. Inside the kitchen on top of the counter, is a brand-new pan Mom uses for making lasagna.
What is F. Because members often use the clubhouse, the hallway inside needs a new rug.
W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e s f r o m the passage effectively supports the prediction that scientists will find more coelacanths in the future? A. One reason that determining the population of coelacanths is difficult is that coelacanths live at the bottom of the ocean inside caves. B. Fortunately, in recent years a ban on international trade has been enforced, helping to stabilize the population of this amazing fish. C. Scientists have tagged coelacanths with sonic devices and have found that the fish leave the cave in the late afternoon to forage for food during the night. D. Coelacanths provide a valuable link to the past; and because people recognize the significance of this fish, coelacanths have been sought after and sold for high prices on the market
What is B. Fortunately, in recent years a ban on international trade has been enforced, helping to stabilize the population of this amazing fish.
Read the following sentences. How will these two sentences be combined into a single sentence containing an adjective clause? (1) The Fox family moved into the house on the corner last month. (2) The Fox family has painted their house an odd shade of green. F. After the Fox family moved last month into the house on the corner, they painted it an odd shade of green. G. The Fox family, who moved into the house on the corner last month, has painted it an odd shade of green. H. When the Fox family moved into the house on the corner last month, they painted it an odd shade of green. J. The Fox family moved into the house on the corner last month before it was painted an odd shade of green. Which of the following sentences is not punctuated correctly?
What is G. The Fox family, who moved into the house on the corner last month, has painted it an odd shade of green.
"Advanced" Read the following letter a student wrote to a local newspaper. Student Says “No” to School Uniforms The following letter appeared in the Changing Times Weekly, a small-town newspaper. What’s the point of wearing school uniforms? I do not believe that uniforms make students act better at school as adults say. What I wear does not make any difference in how I behave. I am me, and I will act as I should no matter what I wear. Whether I am in jeans and a T-shirt or a fancy dress, I am still the same person. Wearing a school uniform limits my creativity and my ability to be myself. I like to be able to dress in ways that show who I am. Some days I am in a blue mood; other days, I am in a red mood. I am never in a gray plaid mood! For this reason I do not understand why I should have to wear gray plaid skirts and white blouses every day. Think about this question. When do adults ever have to wear uniforms? Adults wear uniforms for some jobs such as those associated with the military, the food service industry, or the medical field. However, most jobs do not require uniforms. My friends and I all agree that school uniforms are not what we want for our school. Please do not make the choice for us about what we wear. Instead, think of another way to “make us act better” if you think that is the purpose for having us wear uniforms. Trenice Lasalle, 6th Grade Sidney Middle School Which of the following is a correct evaluation of Trenice’s use of tools of persuasion to justify her purpose for writing the letter? A. By exaggerating her different moods, the author establishes and supports a plan to entertain the reader with interesting but not factual information about school uniforms. B. By comparing and contrasting adult uniforms and student uniforms, the author establishes and supports a plan to explain to the reader the problems with asking students to wear school uniforms. C. By airing and rebutting the school’s reason for uniforms, the author establishes and supports a plan to persuade the reader to agree that students do not need to wear school uniforms. D. By using the bandwagon tool, the author establishes and supports a plan to persuade the reader that she is not alone in her ideas about school uniforms
What is C. By airing and rebutting the school’s reason for uniforms, the author establishes and supports a plan to persuade the reader to agree that students do not need to wear school uniforms.