Who was the first woman to convert to Islam?
Khadija (ra)
Which Prophet was thrown into a well?
Prophet Yusuf (as)
What was the first word revealed in the Quran?
Iqra (Read)
Where did the Muslims first migrate to before Madinah?
What are the two hills in Makkah called?
Safa and Marwa
Which clan did Prophet Muhammad belong to? (Hint: not Quraish)
Banu Hashim
Which Prophet had a speech impediment?
Prophet Musa (as)
Ayat ul Kursi is in which surah?
Surah Baqarah
How many Muslims fought in the Battle of Badr?
What is the meaning of Alhamdulillah?
All praise is to Allah
What was the name of Prophet Muhammad's (SAW) nurse mother?
Name two brothers that were prophets
Musa and Harun, Ismail and Ishaq
Who is the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran?
Maryam (ra)
What are the names of the first four Khalifas in order?
Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali
What was the Qiblah before it became the Kabah?
Which companion suggested to build a trench for the Battle of the Trench?
Salman al Farisi
Who was the great grandfather of Prophet Yusuf?
Ibrahim (as)
Which surah is known as the Heart of the Quran?
Surah Yaseen
In which battle was Prophet Muhammad (SAW) injured and rumors spread that he died?
Battle of Uhud
What term describes the act of circling the Kabah seven times?
The title "Father of the cat" or "The kitten man" was used to identify this man. Who was he?
Abu Huraira
Which Prophet said "Allah causes the sun to rise from the east, so make it rise from the west"?
Prophet Ibrahim (as)
What is the only surah that does not start with Bismillah?
Mondays and Thursdays
How many of Prophet Muhammad's children were living when he passed away and name them
One - Fatimah