Collegio docenti/Teachers' council
Consiglio d'istituto/School council
Acronyms & Initialisms
American Politics
UK Politics

Which law is the main framework for all disability issues? It guarantees specific rights for people with disabilites and is a true cultural revolution for school inclusion?

Law 104/92


Who participates in the Teachers' council and who chairs it?

All the teachers (including temporary and support teachers). 

The HT chairs it. 

N.B. If the council votes and the result is a draw, the HT has the final vote. 


What does RAV mean? 

How does it work?

Rapporto di Autovalutazione.  Self-assessment report. 

The school completes the RAV based on a document issued by the INVALSI and is completed by the NIV (Assessment committee).

Based on the results of the RAV, the PDM is drawn up by the HT. Piano di Miglioramento.


What are the 3 branches of the American Government?

1. Legislative (Congress -  made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate). Makes laws and has the power to to declare war.   2. Executive  (The Leader is the US President).  3. The judicial branch  headed by the Supreme court and made up of the former all other federal courts).


Which are the main political parties in the UK?



Liberal democrats

N.B Minor party UKIP - Its primary emphasis has always been on hard Euroscepticism; it was one of the first to call for the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union (EU). (Not important but a "fun fact")


Which laws regard the formation of Collective councils/Collegiate bodies (Organi collegiali) and the involvement of parents & students. 

Law 477/1973 & DPR 416/1974


Who draws up and approves the PTOF?

The Teachers' council draws it up (guidelines given by HT) and the School Council approves it. 


What is the NIV?

Nucleo di Valutazione Interno. 

Internal Assessment nucleus (group).

This is a group of teachers voted in at the Teachers' Council and nominated by the HT. They are responsible for preparing the RAV. 


When are the next US elections?

Tues. Nov 5th (this will be the 60th)


How is parliament organised and what is its role?

What is the Monarch's role?

The House of Commons

The House of Lords

N.B Parliament's role is to 

  • look at what the government is doing
  • debate issues and pass new laws
  • set taxes

The Monarch's role: Has no real decision-making powers and acts only on the advice of his ministers. 

He is Monarch, head of the judiciary, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and "supereme governer" of the Church of England. 


Which law granted autonomy to all schools as regards teaching, organization, research, experimentation and development?

Law 59/1997


What does the Teachers' council deliberate on?

Among other things:

educational functioning of the school. 

promotion of teacher training/experimental initiatives.

Initiatives regarding support of disabled students and DSA. 

Integration of foreign sts and help for sts in difficulty. 


What is INDIRE?

The Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione, Innovazione e Ricerca Educativa. (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research) 

It is the Italian Ministry of Education's oldest research organisation. As well as its headquarters in Florence, it has three regional units in Turin, Rome and Naples.

The Institute manages actions and projects concerning improvement and innovation of the Italian school system, at different levels.

It is the Italian National Erasmus+ Agency and manages the electronic platforms of the European networks, Eurydice, eTwinning and Epale


Who is running for President now?

How long will they serve?

Trump (Republican)

Kamala Harris (Democrat)

4 years


Who is the current PM?  

Who is head of the opposition?

Keir Starmer

Rishi Sunak


Which law introduced the POF, later to become PTOF

DPR 275/1999, modified by law 107/2015. 


How is the School council made up?

For schools with up to 500 sts:

6 parents/students

6 teachers + 1 other member of staff

Head Teacher 

 (8, 8, 2 + HT for over 500)



Piano Triennale dell'offerta formativa.

Three-year plan of the educational offer. 


How old must you be to run for President of the US?

At least 35 years old.


What happens in the case of a hung parliament?

A coalition is formed. 


Which law introduced the recognition of specific learning disabilities and PDPs

Law 170/2010


Who chairs the School Council?

What happens after 3 absences?

A parent voted by the whole group. 

The member loses their place on the council. 


What is a GLO and who participates?

Gruppo di Lavoro Operativo per l’Inclusione degli alunni disabili. 


1. The CDC 

2. The child's parents or tutor 

3. Specific professionals internal (service coordinator) and external (e.g. psychologist/social services) to the school who interact with the class and the child with the support of the multidisciplinary evaluation team.  


What is the BILL of RIGHTS?

The first 10 amendments of the American Constitution. 


How often are general elections?

Every 5 years.