What’s happening to my body?
(Middle Adult-Physical)

So what if, I bought another snowmobile?
(Middle Adult-Social)
…will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m 64?
(Late Adult-Physical)

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
(Late Adult – Social)

Death and taxes
(Death, Dying & Bereavement)
Osteoporosis is loss of ___ mass with age, resulting in more brittle and porous bones.
__ conflict is any situation in which two or more roles are at least partially incompatible.
C. General slowing down
What is the biggest single behavioral effect of age-related physical changes? A. Anger B. Depression C. General slowing down
___ is reflecting on past experience.
As normal, it should not be avoided but rather faced and accepted.
How should death be viewed according to the philosophy of hospice care?
The term used to describe the adult period during which reproductive capacity declines or is lost.
Define climacteric.
B. George Vaillant
Whose research emphasizes resilience and has included measures of change in the physical, cognitive, personality, and social domains? A. Oprah Winfrey B. George Vaillant C. Rosa Parks
___is the feeling of fullness that follows a meal.
True or false; life review is an evaluative process in which elders make judgments about past behaviours.
C. Food death
Which of the following is NOT a label for a state of death: A. Brain death B. Clinical death C. Food death
A. Selectivity
Lack of ___ could account for differences between age groups in the speed at which cognitive tasks are carried out. A. Selectivity B. Communication C. Education
What stage are middle-aged adults in according to Erikson?
Many developmentalists believe that the ___ in the speed of nerve impulses is responsible for age-related difficulties in translating thoughts into actions.
c. ego-integrity-vs-despair
What did Erikson term the last eight life crisis? A. Eight-vs-age B. Erikson’s 8th theory C. ego-integrity-vs-despair
___care is an approach to care for the terminally ill that emphasizes individual and family control of the process of dying.
True or false, declines in processing speed across the middle and later adult years may be a function of secondary rather than primary ageing.
Many different models of the “midlife crisis” in middle adulthood have been proposed, but none has been strongly supported by research.
How do proponents of the midlife crisis and the live events perspective approach middle age differently?
A loss of dendritic density of neurons, which has the effect of slowing reaction time for almost all tasks.
How does the brain change in late adulthood?
The older adult must come to terms with who she is and has been, how her life has been lived, the choices she has made, and the opportunities gained and lost.
How do you achieve ego integrity?
Rising health-care costs and changing views about the process of dying.
Why is there a decline in hospital deaths?
Brain size diminishes, possibly more subject to distraction, often outperform younger adults on everyday tasks that require concentration and rapid judgments.
What do researchers know about brain function in middle age?
They tend to remain in the marriage because they think a divorce would be harmful to the children. Once their children are grown, some women feel free to move out of the relationship.
Why do middle-aged women remain in unsatisfactory marriages? Does this change once their children are grown?
Attributable to the effects of ageing on white matter in the parts of the brain that control balance and motor functions.
Explain the physical change of balance associated with ageing.
Erikson’s concept of ego integrity has been influential, but research does not indicate that the development of ego integrity is necessary to adjustment in old age. The notions of reminiscence and life review have been helpful to understand development.
What does research say about Erikson’s stage of ego integrity versus despair?
Hospice emphasizes patient and family control of the dying process rather than treatment. Some families are more satisfied with hospice than hospital care. However, hospice can be burdensome for the caregiver.
How do hospice and hospital care differ with respect to their effects on terminally ill patients?