How did Chloe and buddy meet
They met wen Buddy was born
Who has max running
Charlie or Charleston, either counts
How was Dexter found
He came out of nowhere
Who are the secret fire ducks
Dexter and oliver
Who was most welcomed
Sadie, suprisingly
Who has max Swimming
Milo or Mercy
How was Sadie found
She wasnt
Who are siblings
Chloe and Buddy
Who likes racing
How did Charleston and Charlie meet
Charlie was looking for someone to race and bumped into Charleston and they raced (Charleston won)
Who has max FLYING?
Molly and Quack.
How was Molly found
She was flying and fell
Who are the most questionable to be in the group(s)
Sadie and Bubbles
How did Charlie and Mercy meet
They met in the grasslands when charlie and mercy was looking for a buddy
Who has max CLIMBING
Sadie and Buddy
How was Billy found
He was trying to help cooper out of that "Prison"
Who are the Shop duo
Cooper and billy
How did Bubbles and Quack meet
They met when Bubbles was sliding on ice, and he bumped into quack thinking he was a rock
Who has max EVERYTHING???
The fire duck(s) Dexter and Oliver
How was Cooper Found?
He was found inside a display, and Charlie Chloe Buddy Milo and Sadie helped him out, but he was whiter than ever.
Who likes to swim so much that when they do, they go absolutely CRAZY
mercy, IDK Why he's like that