Theory v. Law
Lab Safety
Cosmic Address

This astronomer proposed the heliocentric model and supported it with math.

Who is Copernicus?


This Greek philosopher first supported the geocentric model. 

Who is Aristotle?


This is a statement that explains how or why a phenomenon occurs.

What is a theory?


The purpose of this safety equipment is to rid the eyes of any chemicals or irritants.

What is the eyewash station?


This is the name of the supercluster that the Milky Way is a part of.

What is the Virgo Supercluster?


These three planets* were not included within the early heliocentric models?

What are Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto*?

*Pluto is no longer considered a planet as of 2006.


This is the amount of time that the geocentric model was supported and accepted by the Catholic Church before the heliocentric model was introduced.

What is roughly 1,000 years?


Theory or Law: F = m x a (Force equals mass times acceleration)

What is a law?


This is an incorrect action in the lab that includes rough-housing, pranks, practical jokes, and other inappropriate activities.

What is horseplay?


This is the location of the Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy.

What is on the Orion-Cygnus arm?


This organization sentenced Galileo to house arrest.

What is the Catholic Church?


This gentleman supported and improved the geocentric model.

Who is Ptolemy?


Theory or Law: An object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest unless enacted upon by an opposite force.

What is a law?

Newton's First Law of Motion


This is the correct procedure for how one should smell a chemical.

What is wafting?


This is the collection of the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxies.

What is the Local Group?


This astronomer supported the heliocentric model through the use of a telescope.

Who is Galileo?


This country commonly named elements of astronomy. Examples include "helios," "geo," and "gala."

What is Greece?


Theory or Law: Most scientists believe that our universe started 14 billion years ago with a massive expansion event

What is a theory?

The Big Bang Theory


Safety goggles, aprons, and gloves are pieces of this type of equipment?

What is Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)?


This is the type of galaxy the Milky Way is classified as.

What is a spiral galaxy?


The Greek word meaning sun.

What is helios?


The Greek word "geo" means this.

What is Earth?


This is a statement that tells what happens when a natural phenomenon occurs.

What is a law?


This action is not allowed in the lab because of the risk of cross-contamination to your body.

What is no eating or drinking in the lab?


This is the largest element of the cosmic address.

What is the observable universe?