Which character is Esperanza talking about? "You wouldn't have to worry about what people said because you never belonged here anyway...and nobody would think you're strange because you like to dream and dream".
"Because I am the oldest, my father has told me first, and now it is my turn to tell the others" What has Esperanza's father just told her.
Her grandfather has passed away.
Cite the following quote:
Most likely I will go to hell and most likely I deserve to be there.
Author: Sandra Cisneros, Chapter: 15, Page: 58
"Most likely I will go to hell and most likely I deserve to be there" (Cisneros 58).
Is there a sentence fragment?
Enterovirus D68 was first discovered in 1962. It mainly affects children.
Correct the following sentence:
The old elm tree had sheltered and shaded of our family, nevertheless, it started to decay and had to be cut down.
The old elm tree had sheltered and shaded of our family; nevertheless, it started to decay and had to be cut down.
What does Rafaela do to mentally escape from the apartment that her husband keeps her in?
Drink papaya and coconut juice on Tuesdays.
Esperanza and her friends feel grown up but soon receive unwanted attention when they try on:
New shoes
Properly cite the following quote:
And then she died, my aunt who listened to my poems. And then we began to dream the dreams.
Author: Sandra Cisneros, Chapter: 18, Page: 61
"And then she died, my aunt who listened to my poems. And then we began to dream the dreams" (Cisneros 61).
Is there a sentence fragment?
One of the oldest harvest festivals in the world is the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. Which was first celebrated in the tenth century BCE.
If there is something wrong with the sentence, fix it:
The nun at school asked Esperanza if she lived in one of the nearby apartments, Esperanza said that she did even though it was not true.
The nun at school asked Esperanza if she lived in one of the nearby apartments. Esperanza said that she did even though it was not true.
What is Mamacita's "only skinny thread that kept her alive, the only road out to that country"?
Her language.
What advice does Aunt Lupe give to Esperanza?
You must keep writing. It will set you free.
Introduce and cite the following quote:
What about a house, I say, because that's what I came for.
Author: Sandra Cisneros, page: 64
Cisneros writes, "What about a house, I say, because that's what I came for" (64).
Is there a sentence fragment?
When the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta began in 1972, only thirteen hot air balloons took to the sky. The festival drew more than five hundred ballooning teams in 2014.
If there is something wrong with the sentence, fix it:
Until we reach a rural area with little or no light pollution; we are unlikely to see a shooting star.
Until we reach a rural area with little or no light pollution, we are unlikely to see a shooting star.
What do the 4 skinny trees symbolize/represent?
Esperanza herself and her resilience.
What literary device is a "repeated pattern—an image, sound, word, or symbol that comes back again and again within a particular story".
Correct the following citation, which is improperly introduced and formatted:
Cisneros wrote "Four who do not belong here but are here. Four raggedy excuses planted by the city." (Cisneros Pg. 74).
Cisneros writes, "Four who do not belong here but are here. Four raggedy excuses planted by the city" (74).
Is there a sentence fragment?
Producing and consuming more beef than any other country in the world: the United States.
Leonardo arrived to class late, and apologized sincerely.
Leonardo arrived to class late and apologized sincerely.
What fortune does Elenita give to Esperanza?
"A home in the heart".
The image of a woman sitting by the window is "The House on Mango Street" is an example of what literary device?
Properly introduce and cite the following quote, which is improperly formatted:
Cisneros writes "Four who grew despite concrete. Four who reach and do not forget to reach." (75).
Cisneros writes, "Four who grew despite concrete. Four who reach and do not forget to reach" (75).
Fix the sentence if there is anything wrong.
Before Mexican freetail bats migrate to Mexico for the winter they can be seen flying out from under Austin's Congress Avenue Bridge every evening.
Before Mexican freetail bats migrate to Mexico for the winter, they can be seen flying out from under Austin's Congress Avenue Bridge every evening.
Is the italicized segment of the sentence a phrase or clause?
Cockroaches breathe through holes in their bodies called spiracles; this fact helps explain how they can survive for weeks without a head.