Healthcare History
Health Care System
Health Careers and worker
Geriatric Care
Human Growth & Development

AIDS was identified as a disease in this decade

What is the 80's


This uses video, audio, and computer systems to provide medical and/or health care services.

What is telemedicine


A process by which a government agency authorizes individuals to work in a given occupation after the person has completed an approved education program and passed a state board test

What is licensure 


When a dying person says, "Just let me live until my son graduates from college," the person is probably in this stage of dying

What is bargaining


The reflex that occurs when an infant reacts to a loud noise or sudden movement

What is the moro reflex


Disinfectants and antiseptics were first used to prevent infection during surgery by this person

Who is Joseph Lister 


A specialty hospital that provides care for cancer patients is 

What is an oncology hospital


To renew licenses or maintain certification, individuals must obtain additional these hours of education

What is continuing education credits 

A form of dementia that causes progressive changes in brain cells

What is Alzheimer’s disease


This theory states that if an individual is not able to resolve a conflict at the appropriate stage, the individual will struggle with the same conflict later in life

What is Erikson's Theory

The father of medicine 

Wo is Hippocrates 


The agency sponsored by the United Nations that compiles statistics on disease and publishes health information

Who is the World Health Organization (WHO) 


Being able to identify with and understand another person’s feelings, situation, and motives

What is empathy 


A physical or mental defect or handicap that interferes with normal functions

What is a disability 


An example of this defense mechanism is if a woman ignores a lump in her breast and starts working overtime to avoid worrying about the lump

What is suppression 


The professional education of modern nurses was started by

Who is Florence Nightingale


This provides strict guidelines for maintaining confidentiality of health care information

What is HIPAA


A field of medicine that focuses on the health of the respiratory system 

What is Respiratory Therapy 


A specially trained individual who works with the elderly and their families, health care providers, and other concerned individuals to improve the quality of care for the elderly

What is an ombudsman 


When a dying person says, "The lab tests are wrong, I can't have leukemia," the person is probably in this stage

What is denial 


Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by this individual

Who is Sir Alexander Fleming 


 This agency is concerned with the causes, spread, and control of diseases.

Who is the center for disease control and prevention (CDC) 


First impressions are established in this many seconds 

What is 7 seconds 


A condition with confusion or disorientation that is temporary and can be treated 

What is delirium? 


Mental development increases rapidly during late childhood because much of the child's life centers around this  

What is school