What do you need to pack that you use every morning (think about the most basic of all basics, not something unexpected)
Toothbrush + Toothpaste
True or False: You shouldn't leave your group without telling them if you're really hungry and need a snack.
If you're feeling unwell (in general), should you tell your best friend first, your chaperone first, or one of your roommates? (if they are all near you)
What do you need to pack that is usually washed?
True or False: You are allowed to bring your phones on the trip.
False (from my understanding as an 8th grader)
Before embarking on a trip, students should do this to ensure they have appropriate clothing and gear for different activities and weather.
Check the Weather Forecast
What do you need to bring that helps you keep hydrated?
Water Bottle
True or False: Is your advisor always the one who is your trip guide?
This important document should be collected from all students to provide permission for participation and outline emergency contacts.
Permission Slip
What should you have in case you need to buy something?
Give an example of something you should do with your roommates BEFORE the trip.
Many answers: possibly making a schedule of showering times, a packing list, checking if anyone needs anything, etc
Establishing this before the trip can help students understand the consequences of unsafe behavior.
Safety Rules
What kind of shoes should you NOT pack?
Examples: tap dancing shoes, ballet shoes, flip flops, etc.
Variety of answers: Run around while flailing your arms, keep walking until you find your group
This is where your group or the entire grade will meet in certain situations or places.
Designated Meeting Spot