New Deal Programs
New Deal Continued
Birmingham Trivia

Why did FDR win the Presidential election in a landslide?

The American public was excited about someone who would experiment with government involvement.


How were a lot of New Deal programs paid for?

Through repealing Prohibition and reinstating the alcohol tax.


What were the 3 R's of the New Deal?

Relief, Recovery, and Reform.


What is the name of the city's soccer team?

The Legion 


What is the best pet a person can get?

a cat


How did FDR push back against discrimination in politics?

He appointed Catholics, Jewish ppl, and Black ppl to positions of power within the government.


How did FDR prevent bank runs and give the government time to investigate banks?

By calling for a Bank Holiday.


How did the AAA stabilize farms prices?

By encouraging farmers to not plant, the supply could be controlled and the price of crops could increase to normal levels.


What neighborhood will our new school building be in?



What is better than a cat?

2 cats


Why did the CIO form?  How was the AFL not doing serving all workers in need?

The AFL only represetned skilled workers, only 10% of workers nationally.


What 2 things did the FDIC do?

1. Insured ppl's money left in banks

2. Restored confidence in banks


How did the AAA hurt farm laborers?

When land-owning farmers were paid to not plant, the hired less, or even fired, farm laborers and sharecroppers.


Mayor Woodfin made a Facebook post over the weekend about a prject that he is very proud of. What was it about?

Paving roads


What day is your final exam on?

1st period: Thursday, May 23rd

4th period: Friday, May 24th 


Did FDR's New Deal change the system? (OREO)

O - FDR's New Deal changed the expectations of government but did nothing to fundamentally change the system.

R - With New Deal programs offering assistance and jobs to the downtrodden, Americans began to look to the government for help with problems arose.

E - The next time there would be an economic downturn the American people expected the government to do something about it.

O - Although Americans expeced more from their government, the wealthy did not lose their power over the government.  They could still control what they wanted but needed to help out from time to time.


How did FDR try to get consumers involved in enforcing and maintaining a minimum wage?

Through the NRA's Blue Eagle program where companies who paid the minimum wage could put that sticker on their products.  People were encouraged to only buy Blue Eagle products.


How did the Social Security Act establish a public safety net?

1. Created a pension program for the retired.

2. Created unemployment insurance for those who lost their jobs

3. Created an Aid program for families without an income earner


What is the best Taco resturant downtown?

Toco Morro Loco


What is the last day for teachers?

May 31st


In what ways did FDR's New Deal ignore ppl of color? (OREO)

O - Since ppl of color were given second-class status and therefore not thought of as equal citizens who deserve equal help.

R - They often did not qualify for New Deal programs and assistance due to their lack of equal rights and their lack of political power/representation.

E - Black and Mexican farmers were not given AAA assistance, jobs programs gave jobs to white males first, and the Social Security programs were meant to serve those who's vote was protected.\

O - The New Deal was encouraging for many and changed the way most Americans viewed government but for many it was more of the same, being ignored, left out, and forgotten.


What programs turned the government into a job creator who could directly employ people and lift them out of poverty?

Through the TVA, CCC, and WPA.


What 2 ways did the Wagner Act and its National Labor Relations Board empower workers? 

1. Forced companies to recognize unions within their ranks

2. Forced employers to negotiate contracts with unions


What is the best Asian resturant in the city?

Red Pearl


What classes will I be teaching you next year?


