What word is the verb in this sentence: " She ate all the chocolate! "
" Je ne sais pas. " means " I don't know. " OR " I don't want to know. "
I don't know.
What is 12x6?
Which one is the largest land animal: elephants OR giraffes?
How many of these are animals: cucumbers, flowers, birds, trees, dogs, cats.
3 (birds, dogs, cats)
" J'ai faim maintenant. " means " I am hungry right now. " OR " I am tired right now. "
I am hungry right now.
If a hunter went to hunt seals at 8AM and returned at 4PM, how long was he out hunting for?
8 hours
Which between these birds cannot fly: penguins OR parrots?
Simon’s dad had four sons: March, April, and May. What is the name of the fourth son?
What is yesterday, today and tomorrow in French: " hier, aujourd'hui et demain " or " matin, midi, soir " ?
Hier, aujourd'hui et demain
What number is needed for this equation: _ x 8 = 40?
Which organ pumps blood in your body?
The heart
raisin, strawberry, orange, watermelon
How would you answer the question " Quel âge as-tu? ": by saying your name or your age?
By saying my age
I am 10 years older than my sister, our age together equals 30, how old am I?
20 years old
The first 3 planets in our solar system are: Mercury, Venus, Earth OR Mars, Jupiter, Saturn?
Mercury, Venus, Earth
It belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do, what is it?
Your name
How many of these words can you eat: salade, ordinateur, soleil, poisson, neige, riz? 2 or 3?
3 (salade, poisson, rice)
If I have 500$ and I gave the same amount to 5 of my friends, how much did I give each friend?
What is the phenomenon called when a species ceases to exist forever: existence or extinction?