How often ____ she play computer games?
How often does she play computer games?
How often do you ____ pictures?
How often do you draw pictures?
How often ___ you play board games?
How often do you play board games?
How often do you ____ puzzles?
How often do you do puzzles?
How often does she ____ comics?
How often does she read comics?
hoover the floor
lay the table
wash the car
Ja zawsze gotuję obiad.
I always cook dinner
Ona nigdy nie odkurza.
She never hoovers the floor.
Ona czasem podlewa kwiaty.
She sometimes waters the plants.
On często wyprowadza psa.
He often walks the dog.
Ja nigdy ścielę mojego łóżka.
I never make my bed.
My brother _____ the floor.
Do we add "s"? - yes or no?
My brother hoovers the floor.
Your sister never ____ dinner.
Do we add "s"? - yes or no?
Your sister never cooks dinner.
You ____ comics twice a week.
Do we add "s"? - yes or no?
You read comics twice a week.
She ___ pictures three times a week.
Do we add "s"? - yes or no?
She draws pictures three times a week.
Your mum clear(_?_) the table.
Do we add "s"? - yes or no?
Your mum clears the table.He tidies up.
She washes up.
He washes the car
She dusts.
She watches DVDs.