This item, crafted from 3 wooden planks, is essential for crafting other tools and blocks.
Answer: What is a crafting table?
Clue: This location, first introduced in Chapter 1, is home to a giant, circular mountain and was the site of a huge battle between players.
Answer: What is Tilted Towers?
How long does honey last?
Answer: Forever, it never spoils.
What movie did Ryan Reynolds star in with Sandra Bullock about a forced marriage?
Answer: The Proposal
What is the legally required age for alcohol consumption?
Answer: 21 years old
Clue: These creatures spawn in dark areas and explode when they get close to players.
Answer: What are creepers?
Clue: This item, often found in chests, grants a temporary shield to players and can be consumed in increments of 50.
Answer: What is a Shield Potion?
What is the biggest animal that has ever existed?
Answer: Blue whale
What is the phone cell service Ryan Reynolds owns?
Answer: Mint Mobile
What is the UNG policy regarding Alcohol?
Answer: Zero tolerance
This biome, characterized by its snowy landscape and cold temperatures, often features igloos and polar bears.
Answer: What is the snowy tundra?
Clue: This event, known for its massive live concert, featured Travis Scott and featured giant asteroids and visual effects.
Answer: What is the Astronomical event?
How long can a sloth hold it’s breath?
Answer: About 40 minutes due to a slow metabolism.
What was the first movie in which Ryan Reynolds starred?
Answer: Ordinary magic
What on-campus resources are there regarding alcohol abuse?
Answer: Student counseling
This type of Redstone block powers adjacent blocks even if the Redstone signal is not directly connected.
Answer: What is a redstone torch?
Clue: This mode, introduced in Chapter 2, lets players fight against each other with respawn mechanics and constant storm circles.
Answer: What is Team Rumble?
How many guinea pigs can you own in Switzerland?
Answer: None, it is illegal in Switzerland
Where was Ryan Reynolds born?
Answer: Vancouver Canada
What is a standard drink of beer in ounces via UNG’s website?
Answer: 12 ounces
This dimension, added in the "Caves and Cliffs" update, features a variety of new mobs and resources and is accessed through a portal made of amethyst.
Answer: What is the Deep Dark?
This Skin was the tier 100 reward in the Season two battle pass.
Answer: What is the Black Knight
What is the word for the fear of long words (4x points)
Answer: hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
What is Ryan Reynolds's Birthday?
Answer: October 23rd, 1976.
What is the term for the dangerous condition caused by the overconsumption of Alcohol, which can lead to body temperature dropping, slow breathing, or even unconsciousness?
Answer: Alcohol Poisoning.