American football
What is the main sport in the United-States ?
George Washington
Who was the first american president ?
Which country is the biggest ?
Mickey Mouse
Which character created Walt Disney ?
Victor Hugo
Who wrote "Les Misérables" ?
Tennnis at Wimbledon
What does London hosts ?
At which date happended the Twin Towers attacks ?
New York
Which city is also called "Big Apple" ?
Jack Sparrow
Which role plays Johnny Depp in Thé Carrabeians Pirates ?
Who wrote "Les Fleurs du Mal" ?
Yellow undershirt
What is the color of the leader of the Tour de France ?
I have a dream
What is the name of the most famous speech of Martin Luther King ?
The Nile
What is the biggest river ?
J. K. Rolling
Who wrote "Harry Potter" ?
Alexandre Dumas
Who wrote "Le compte de Monte Cristo" ?
Which country hosted the Olympic Games in 2008 ?
In which year Christophe Colomb discovered America ?
How is France also called ?
Bohemian Rhapsody
What is the most famous song of Queen ?
Albert Camus
Who wrote "L'étranger" ?
Muhammad Ali
Who is the most famous american boxer ?
What was the first time a man walked of the moon ?
What is the biggest island in the world ?
Star Wars
What is the name of the first film, came out in 1977 ?
Which novel talks about a scientist creating a monster ?