Introducing a quote

How do you denote that spelling or grammar mistakes are from the original quote?

Place [sic] after the mistake:

”She ate a peice [sic] of pie.”


What are the three parts of the quote sandwich?

Introduce it, quote it, explain it


Do you believe those who say “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?”

The question mark goes outside of the quotations 


“Block quotations are used for more than ___ ____ of prose.”

Four lines of prose


What are three introductory verbs mentioned in the presentation that can be used to incorporate a quote?

Any of these verbs can work: remarks, states, writes, reports, explains, concludes, observes, mentions


In her book, Are You Judging Me Yet? Poetry and Everyday Sexism, Kim Moore says “in our passivity, we also become active participants, because looking is never truly passive. We are implicated by our looking.”

The first letter of the quote should be capitalized because it follows the verb ‘says’


How would you cite a quote from a video?

With a time stamp or time range: (Robbie 1:23-2:44)


The following sentence is an example of which quoting method: Hamlet's task is to avenge a "foul and most unnatural murder" (Shakespeare 925).

Method Two: Begin sentence with your own words and finish it with a quote


“Some sentimental fool / Invented the Tragic Muse” (Hecht).

The lines should be included in the citation, (Hecht ll. 49-50)


What punctuation would you use when omitting parts of a quote?

Ellipses: “She traveled to Patagonia, … , and Isla Deceit”


The following sentence is an example of what quoting method: According to the author, “Stress is defined by psychologists as the body’s reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental, or emotional adjustment or response” (Bauer 5).

Method Four: Using an introductory phrase


According to Anne Carson, “The general tenor of ancient opinion on her work is summarized by a remark of Strabo: “Sappho [is] an amazing thing. For we know in all of recorded history not one woman who can even come close to rivaling her in the grace of her poetry”” (ix).

The Strabo quote should go in single quotations.


Which punctuation marks do not go inside a quote and instead go after the  parenthetical citation?

Periods, commas, and semicolons


Finish the sentence: Colons are used to introduce a quotation AFTER _____________

An Independent Clause


Rework this sentence to avoid brackets: 

Chrysippos said “Not one girl I think who looks on the light of the sun will ever have wisdom like this [Sappho’s poetry]”(qtd. in Carson xi)

Something like:

As Chrysippos said regarding Sappho’s poetry, “Not one girl I think who looks on the light of the sun will ever have wisdom like this”(qtd. in Carson xi).