The Prophet (PBUH) was taken from the night journey from the house of...
Umm Hani
A true believer means to...
Believe in Allah (SWT), his angels, his books, his Messengers, and the Last Day
What is the accursed tree and what is it for?
az-Zaqqum --> grows from the depth of hell - test for the people
Describe the sea metaphor 🌊
One of the signs of His mercy is if harm befalls people them on sea they call on Allah (SWT) but once they’re safe they forget about him and is indicative of man's ignorance
If the Prophet (PBUH) had fabricated lies and attributed them to Allah (SWT), then...
He would've seized him by his right hand, then cut off his aorta
Allah (SWT) has sent down many punishments to many different people.
For full points, list all four mentioned in the tafsir.
People of Nuh, Ad, Thamood, and Lut
True or False
Parents have more rights over you the longer they take care of you
Qualities of the Quran
For full points, list 4 out of the 5
Exhortation (to accept the message)
Admonition (to discuss the disbelievers and their disbelief)
Great deal of knowledge
What is Maqam al Mahmood
Highest position that Allah (SWT) may cause a person to attain: all his situations are good and are means of drawing closer to his Lord
Quran was sent down to Earth over a course of how many years
never gonna give u up
never gonna let you down
anyways lolsies this is free points congratulations :-)
whichever brave soul pressed this congratulations
its the only one
its a rare card
put it in ur college apps
If someone is a victim, who is their heir
First his heirs (son, daughter, wife), then closest to him of male relatives on his fathers side
Why did the Quran not describe major events in detail?
Because people's minds may not accept them/believe them - may cause doubt in the hearts of some believers or may prevent others from entering Islam
What makes an act of worship obligatory
Calling an act of worship by the name of one of its parts indicates that its part is obligatory
The 9 signs Allah (SWT) sent Musa (AS)
(zainab will be happy if you sing her song)
The snake, the staff, the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs, the blood, the plague, and the parting of the sea
The Children of Israel would spread mischief how many times?
For full points, what is the PUNISHMENT sent down on them in all instances?
1st time: sent punishment; Allah’s slaves possessing great might and power. Took their children, seized their wealth
2nd time: destroy and ruin temple: Bayt al-Maqdis. Punishment: Allah (SWT) sent his Prophet (PBUH) who wrought vengeance against them
What is a wayfarer?
Refers to stranger who cut is cut off from his homeland
What is the greatest sign Allah (SWT) has sent in order to warn a people about a punishment
She - camel sent to Thamud
Extra Credit if you recite the ayahs from surah Shams that mentions the she-camel (might as well recite the whole surah tbh)
If someone asks something when something else could be of more benefit, you should...
Redirect that person to ask the more beneficial thing
True or False:
Those with knowledge before you (People of the Book), when the Quran is recited to them, they fall in sujood, as it increase them in kindness and gentleness
Increases them in humility and deeply moves them
The Children of Israel would spread mischief how many times?
For full points list HOW they would spread mischief
Committing sins, being ungrateful for the blessings of Allah (SWT), acting in an arrogant and tyrannical manner, abandoned many of their laws and transgressed in their lands
What are the 12 commands. (hint: the Don't ___)
For FULL points, list all 12
if you don't get all 12 you have two choices
1. Get partial credit based on what the host thinks
2. Phone a friend and if they end up getting everything else, then you BOTH get partial credit. Otherwise if both of you are wrong, none of you get credit.
Don’t associate any other god with Allah (don’t commit shirk)
Be kind to your parents (+don’t make them upset)
Give kinsfolk, wayfarers, and the needy their due
Don’t squander your wealth wastefully or be miserly/stingy
Don’t kill your children out of fear of poverty
Don’t approach adultery
Don’t kill anyone (except in justice)
Don’t touch the orphan’s property (or endanger it) except to improve it
Fulfill all covenants (they will all be asked about)
Give full measure when you measure (weigh with accurate scales)
Don’t pursue (beliefs, rumors, slander, etc.) without certain knowledge
Don’t walk the earth with insolence (the evil of all that is hateful to Allah!)
What does "Wakeel" mean
caretaker, guardian
dun dun DUNN
How does the concept of Allah (SWT) keeping the Prophet (SAW) steadfast relate to the idea that falsehood can only prevail when not countered by truth?
Full points if you have evidence from the tafsir, not just analysis on your part
Points if you mention anything from the tafsir as evidence
Allah (SWT) protected the Prophet (SAW) from inclining toward the Kuffar’s demands, ensuring he remained firm in delivering the truth. This shows that truth is inherently strong, but if not upheld, falsehood spreads. Just as Allah (SWT) safeguarded the Prophet (SAW) from corruption, believers must remain steadfast in upholding the truth to prevent falsehood from taking hold.
The disbelievers asked the Prophet (PBUH) for a lot of signs out of stubbornness. Name at least 4 of the 6 for points.
A spring to gush forth from the Earth
Prophet SAW to have a Garden of date palms and vines and he causes rivers to gush forth in their midst
Cause the sky to fall upon them in pieces as Prophet SAW claimed would happen on the Last Day
Bring Allah SWT and the Angels before them, face to face
Prophet SAW having a house made of gold
Prophet SAW ascend to heaven
Even then they wouldn't in the ascent believe unless he brought a Book they can read