Spell the nature word that might sing and fly in the sky.
What is b-i-r-d?
The suffix -ious means full or or having. Give the meaning of glorious.
What is full of glory?
The red phonics chip symbolizes this.
What is the short vowel sound?
The 4 elements of a well written sentence.
What is capitalization, understand, punctuation and spaces?
The two r controlled phonograms that make the /air/ sound.
What is air and are?
Spell the word that names a person who works on a farm.
What is a f-a-r-m-e-r?
The prefix super- means above. Give the meaning of superstar.
What is above a star (someone famous)?
The syllables of garlic and their type of syllable.
Gar is r controlled
lic is closed
Tell a complete sentence for your favorite place to go.
My favorite place to go is ...
The two phonograms that make the /ear/ sound. Give an example of each sound in a word.
What are ear and ere?
Hear and here
What is t-h-i-r-d?
Add the suffix -dom to a word and give meaning.
What is freedom? it means to be free.
What is boredom? It means to be bored.
What is kingdom? It means to have a king.
What is wisdom? It means to be wise.
The color of the phonics chip that represents the vowel-r pronunciation.
What is gray?
What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is...
The two phonograms that make the /or/ sound. Give an example of each sound in a word.
What is oar/ore?
oar score
Spell the name of something a bird might eat out of the ground.
What is w-o-r-m?
The meaning of curiosity.
Hint:-ity means to be; something with a certain feeling or idea
What is to be curious?
Spell the multisyllable word, when a piece of wood gets caught in your skin. First tell the syllables then spell the word. Tell what the types of syllables are present in this word.
What is Splin/ter?
splin is closed
ter is r controlled
Read and answer in a complete sentence:
The boy was crying when he couldn't see his mom.
How do you know what the boy is feeling?
The boy is feeling sad because he is crying.
Spell the word for something you might sit on.
Hint: its a noun
What is c-h-a-i-r?
Finger stretch the name of the word that is something you might eat that grows in a field in the summer and grows tall.
What is c-o-r-n?
How suffix -ish changes the meaning of the word self.
hint: word is selfish
What is someone who acts for one's self?
Spell the word that are things you might have to do before you get your allowance.
What is c-h-o-r-e-s?
Read sentence: Jupiter has 95 moons.
Tell a complete sentence about what you learned after reading this sentence.
What is I learned that Jupiter has 95 moons?
Spell the verb for when someone is looking at you without looking away.
What is s-t-a-r-e.