Section One
Section Two
Section Three
This is a process that allows us to create shared meanings.
What is Communication?
These should be clearly stated out loud as they create speaker credibility, reliability of the information and avoid plagiarism.
What is Verbal Citations?
The stage of listening when we need to make sure we have received the message the way the speaker intended.
What is Understanding?
This refers to the process of creating, influencing, changing, or reinforcing people’s attitudes, beliefs, values or actions.
What is Persuasion?
This term means credibility. Ancient Greeks say this source of credibility includes some combination of good sense, good moral character, and goodwill.
What is Ethos?
This involves changing negative beliefs about public speaking to positive ones.
What is Cognitive Restructuring?
When you do not give proper credit to your sources and / or use materials produced by someone else.
What is Plagiarism
One of the Five Canons of Rhetoric that involves the process of speech preparation including topic selection, research, thesis development and visual selection representing
What is Invention?
In a Monroe's Motivated Sequence this step helps the audience "see" the benefits of the solution.
What is Visualization Step?
In Monroe’s Motivated Sequence the speaker establishes that there’s a problem that exists that is harmful, significant and inherent.
What is Need?
This study of rhetoric that embodies much of the communication process is comprised of Invention, Arrangement, Style, Memory and Delivery.
What is The Five Canons?
This relates to how much content can be covered effectively in the short time allowed.
What is Scope?
This portion of your speech provides a reason or reasons whey your audience should feel confident that you are qualified to speak about your subject.
What is Credibility Statement
Hearing, understanding, remembering, interpreting, evaluating and responding.
What is the Listening Process?
Choosing words that you want to make sure your audience understands is a consideration and concern for this.
What is Denotative Meaning?
The tendency to feel anxiety throughout the speech preparation process
What is Trait Communication Apprehension?
"From my audience analysis I know everyone in this room has had someone they love affected by cancer. I want to propose a way of working together to eradicate this disease" is an example of establishing what?
What is an "I / Thou" dialogic communication
These are the associations and feelings that aren’t captured in the dictionary definition of a word.
What is Connotative Meaning?
This type of fallacy diverts your argument away from the primary claim by discussing unrelated issues and evidence.
What is Red Herring?
"What" you say is as important as this.
What is "How you say it?"
This is a particular time and particular place that we communicate. Variables could include history, social settings, and power relationships.
What is Cultural Context?
This term refers to the way people evaluate and interpret their environment.
What is Worldview?
Noise and information overload are examples of this, and interfere with our ability to hear a message.
What is Listening Barriers?
Merriam Webster defines this as "a strong persuasion or belief."
What is Conviction
This part of a persuasive speech clearly states what the speaker hopes to persuade the audience to believe.
What is Claim (Toulmin's Model)