Fossils & Pangea
Solar System and the Four Seasons
Natural Selection
Genotype & Phenotype and Punnet Square

The word "geology" can be broken into two parts and this word comes from the Greek. What do the two parts of this word mean?

What is geo- = earth/rocks, -ology = the study of


What was the supercontinent that existed 250 million years ago?



What is the difference between rotation and revolution?

Rotation: the planet is spinning on its axis

Revolution: the planet is orbiting around the Sun


Who was Charles Darwin?

Father of Natural Selection

Some finches flew from South America to the Galapagos Islands and adapted to the different environments present on each of the islands. Darwin studied these birds and noted their different beak shapes.


How many genotypes are present in this punnett square?



What is the Law of Superposition?

in undisturbed sedimentary rocks, the oldest rock layers are at the bottom and the youngest are at the top


How did Alfred Wegner come up with the concept of Pangea? What signs proved his concept to be correct?

Some of the continents fit together like puzzle pieces.

We see some similar fossils of animals on continents that had to have been close together, because they could not swim.


How do gravity and acceleration cause an elliptical orbit in space?

The planet speeds by the Sun with a lot of momentum and acceleration. Gravity attracts the planet to the Sun and vice versa. The planet continues to try to move forward, but is pulled down by gravity. The result is a balance of forces, causing an elliptical orbit.


What is natural selection? Must include the two factors essential for survival.

A process where individuals who inherit traits that are well-suited to their environment tend to survive and have more offspring than those with less suitable traits


What is the difference between homozygous and heterozygous? Write out all the genotypes.


TT, tt




What is the difference between relative time and absolute time?

Relative time: places events in a sequence, but does not identify their actual date of occurrence

Absolute time: identifies actual dates of geologic events


What is the difference between original remains and replaced remains?

Original remains (rare) – the actual unchanged remains of the plant or animal are preserved

Replaced remains – the soft parts of the original animal have disappeared and the hard parts have been replaced by mineral material


What are two differences between the first four planets and the second four planets?

First four: small, hot, rocky

Last four: large, cold, gas


The example of the peppered moths living near English industrial cities demonstrates that:

Hint: what factors caused the change in color?

a change in an environment can result in the adaptation of species living there


Who was Gregor Mendel and what impact did he have on the field of genetics?

Father of Genetics

He used pea plants which allowed him to calculate trait probabilities of offspring. The results supported the principles of heredity and dominance.


What is the largest segment of geologic time and what is the smallest?

Largest: eon

Smallest: epoch


What is the difference between molds and casts and trace fossils?

Molds and casts – fossil shells or bones are dissolved completely out of the rock leaving a hollow depression in the rock.  new mineral material fills the mold it forms a cast of the original fossil

Trace fossils – evidence of life other then remains, which includes any impressions left in the rock. (trails, footprints, tracks, burrows)


Tell me one fun fact about a gas giant!

Jupiter is more than twice as massive as the other planets combined! The giant planet’s Great Red spot is a hundreds of years-old storm bigger than Earth.

Adorned with a dazzling, complex system of icy rings, Saturn is unique in our solar system. The other giant planets have rings, but none are as spectacular as Saturn’s.

Uranus - seventh planet from the Sun - rotates at a nearly 90-degree angle from the plane of orbit. This unique tilt makes Uranus appear to spin on its side.

Neptune - the eighth and most distant major planet orbiting our Sun - is dark, cold and whipped by supersonic winds. It was the first planet located by mathematical calculations.


Which of the following is NOT an example of natural selection?

a) Plants with thorns are less likely to be eaten by herbivores than other members of the same species that lack thorns.  

b) Bacterial populations in hospitals develop resistance to drugs used to combat infection by them. 

c) Scientists breed cows that give greater amounts of milk than their ancestors.  

d) Fruit fly larvae with an enzyme to break down alcohol are better able to feed on fermenting fruit than those that lack the enzyme.



What is the genotypic ratio of this punnett square? Label your percentages or ratios with the exact genotype you are referring to.

25% AA, 50% Aa, 25% aa

1 AA: 2 Aa: 1 aa


What is the Law of Included Fragments?

if fragments of one type of rock are found in another rock layer the rock fragments must be older than the rock layer in which they are found


What are the three characteristics of an index fossil?

easily identifiable, short-lived, widespread occurrence


Label this image with the four seasons: summer, autumn, winter, spring

March - Autumn

June - Winter

September - Spring

January - Summer


A population of grasshoppers in the Kansas prairie has two color phenotypes, green and brown. Typically, the prairie receives adequate water to maintain healthy, green grass. Assume a bird that eats grasshoppers moves into the prairie. How will this affect natural selection of the grasshoppers?

a) The green phenotype should be more easily seen by the predator and decrease in frequency.

b) The brown phenotype should be more easily seen by the predator and decrease in frequency.

c) Both green and brown grasshoppers should be eaten and there relative numbers should remain constant.

d) Predation will cause the brown grasshoppers to mutate into green grasshoppers.



If A = large wings and a = little wings, what is the phenotypic ratio of this cross? Label your percentages or ratios with the exact phenotype you are referring to.

75% large wings, 25% little wings

3 (large wings): 1 (little wings)