What's in a Policy?
But What Now?
Expectations & Discipline
Community Development
Wild Card

When are quiet hours?

Sunday - Thursday; 11PM-11AM

Friday - Saturday; 12AM(midnight)-11AM

*50 Bonus points if you remembered 24-hour courtesy hours!*


The hot water is down in Guild. What do you do next?

1) Determine exact locations of where hot water is not working, 2) Contact Public Safety and request they contact facilities on call, 3) Write an IR


What time does duty start and end?

Sunday-Wednesday, 8PM-12AM

Thursday-Saturday, 8PM-2AM


What is the name of the "first 14-day event" the Residence Life Staff will be hosting?

14-day Blitz!


A resident in Presentation approached you to let you know that the light in their room is flickering. What should you do?

Either fill out the Work Order Request Form using the QR code for Presentation or refer the resident to the form


In a residents room, where can Christmas/LED lights NOT be hung?

Across, near, or around exit doors or windows, OR crossing from wall to wall in the hallways


You're in Presentation and realize the slider doors aren't locked. What do you do?

Lock it with a master key or call public safety


True or False: If I lose the master key, I will be automatically terminated



How many bulletin boards do I need to make? And (generally) when are they due?

RA's create 3 on their own, and the RD provides them with content for the fourth.

They are due for opening, October, November, and prior to closing.


You're doing a Health & Safety Inspection and you find marijuana on a students desk. What do you do now?

1) Contact Public Safety, 2) Take a photo, 3) Stay with the material until Public Safety arrives to collect it, 4) Write an IR


Residents 21+ are allowed to have alcohol in their rooms as long as it is not a large quantity. 

What IS a large quantity?

MORE than:

- One 12-pack of beer


- 1.5L of wine


- 1 fifth of liquor


You smell weed in the hallway of your ResHall. What do you do now?

1) Call Public Safety, 2) Assist PSafety with determining exact location and assist in room check if asked, 3) Write an IR (regardless if weed was found or not)


True or False: Absence from staff/department meeting/1:1 without notice given to RD in advance will result in an automatic written warning


A student is playing loud music in their room that you can clearly hear from down the hall. What do you do?

Knock on their door, introduce yourself, explain to them that they need to turn down their music. If non-compliant or a repeat offender, submit an IR.


How much money is in your programming budget per semester?


What bathroom should a residents guest utilize?

Guests may use the bathrooms in the halls providing the guests are escorted and providing that no one is inconvenienced in the process. Guests are not allowed to use the showers anywhere in the residence halls; however, overnight guests must use designated showers on their respective floors.


You're on duty and clearing out a party in Brassard 1B. All of a sudden, a physical fight breaks out between two males in the lobby. What are the next steps?

List as many as you can from start to finish!

1) Immediately contact Public Safety, 2) Crowd control - remove anybody who does not need to be there and stop others from coming in, 3) Debrief with Public Safety as able, 4) Write an IR


When are incident reports due?

Incident Reports should be completed directly after you have handled the incident or no later than 8:30am the day following the incident. This includes incidents that happen during the early mornings such as 1am or 2am. All reports while on duty are due by 8:30am.


What are the program requirements this year?

1) 14-day blitz

2) one campus partner event

3) one weekday pop up event

4) two traditional floor events


What is the process for properly signing in an overnight guest?

Residents should pre-register their guest via MCR Housing. When their guest arrives, they need to be escorted by the host to the front desk of their respective building to have their ID checked and confirm they are registered.


How does a student check in their guest?

1) Pre-register them on MCR Housing

2) when they arrive, the resident should escort the guest to the front desk to present an ID to check in


You find a visibly intoxicated student vomiting in the bathroom in Guild. What do you do now?

Stay with the student!! If they are conscious, call Public Safety to assess. If they are unconscious, call 911, then Public Safety, then the RDOD.


Between what hours will RA's hold office hours? What time span are you required to have an office hour?

Office hours can be between 9AM to 8PM, and one must be between 5PM-8PM.

When will the pro-staff campus-wide events be held? (Specifically for the Fall semester)

September 4 - Welcome Back

December 9 - Send off


What day do the Residence Halls close for Winter Break this year?

December 13, 2024