What animal does Rapunzel have as a pet?
Bonus points: What is his name?
How does Mufasa die?
Who is the main villain in Aladdin?
What is the name of Cinderella's prince?
Prince Charming
Who is the fairy who was famously not invited to a party?
Who are the first people Belle meets in the Beast's castle?
Lumiere and Cogsworth
How does Snow White die?
She eats the poisoned apple and temporarily dies
Who is Captain Hook's sidekick?
Mr. Smee
Who is the protagonist of Brave?
Who does Merlin fight at the end of the movie?
Madam Mim
What is the name of the bratty pink princess in the Princess and the Frog?
His friends on the other side
What are the names of BOTH of Ursula's eels?
Flotsam and Jetsam
What is the Beast's real name?
Prince Adam
Who are the fairies that take care of Briar Rose?
Flora, Fauna, and Merriwhether
What is the seagull's name from The Little Mermaid?
How does Ray the firefly die?
Dr. Facilier steps on him
Who is Jafar's useful mimic?
What is the name of Snow White's prince?
Prince Florian
Who are the Tinkerbell fairies?
Tinkerbell, Iriadessa, Silvermist, Viddia, Thon, Rosetta
Who are the thugs at the Snuggly Duckling?
Shorty, Hook-hand Thug, Big-nosed thug, Vlad, Gunter, Ulf, Attila, Tor, Bruiser and Killer, Fang
What happens to Turbo at the end of the movie?
He is turned into a bug mutant and is attracted to the light coming from a volcano (RIP crispy Turbo)
What are the names of Scar's hyenas?
Bonzai, Shinzee, and Ed
What are the names of Rapunzel's parents?
King Frederick and Queen Ariana
What is Ursula's name in human form?