Emergency Procedures +
to Situations
How To Duty
Keep em' Guessing
General Policies

You get a knock on your door from one of your residents stating that they are struggling and need someone to talk to. What do you do? (2 key steps!)

What is 1.) Sit with your resident and actively listen to their concerns. 2.) Provide support and/or make the student aware of campus resources and assist with referring the resident to them.


Two Parts!: Weekday Duty Hours & Weekend Duty Hours

What is 8 pm - 11 pm and 8 pm - 1 am, respectively?


Two Parts!: The limit of days overnight guests can stay (weekly and monthly).

What is 3 days in a 7-day period and 6 days in a 30-day period?


This comprehensive guide outlines a student's rights/responsibilities and VTSU policies/procedures. 

What is the University Handbook? 


(802) 236 - 7620

What is the RD Duty Phone?


Name 3 ground rules that you might establish when conducting a roommate mediation.

What is speaking one at a time, listening without interrupting, respecting each other's feelings, using "I" statements, and maintaining confidentiality?


The average # of duty rounds per duty night, including weekends (both inside and outside). One round per hour. 

What is 3 to 5 total duty rounds?


This item that is commonly used for ambiance and for making a dorm room smell better is strictly prohibited in the residence halls.

What are candles?


Two Parts!: Weekday Quiet Hours (Sun. - Thurs.) & Weekend Quiet Hours (Fri. - Sat.) 

What is 10 pm - 8 am and 12 am - 10 am?


RAs are considered employees of VTSU and must report all policy violations, including Title IX or sexual misconduct.

What is a mandated reporter?


You get a knock on your door from a resident. After beginning to talk to them, they state that they are actively thinking of harming themselves. What do you do? (4 key steps!)

What is 1.) Step outside of the room and immediately call the RD On-Call. 2.) Stay with the student while RD arrives to your location, gathering as much information as possible. 3.) Relay information to the RD 4.) Write an Incident Report. 


Old posters/flyers, any propped doors, missing/broken common area furniture, work orders, working fire extinguishers and smoke detectors, etc.

What are things to check for while conducting a duty round?


Two Parts!: The # of microwaves allowed in a standard double room and a suite, respectively.

What is 0 and 1 per suite (located in suite area), respectively?


The reason why the use and possession of marijuana is prohibited by VTSU.

What is that it is still illegal on the federal level?


This principle requires you to keep personal information shared by residents private and only disclose it to appropriate school officials if necessary for their safety or in compliance with VTSU policies

What is confidentiality?


You are on a duty round, and you smell a strong aroma coming from a double room. Once you have confirmed the source of the smell, what do you do? (5 key steps!)

What is 1.) Immediately call Public Safety 2.) Next, call RD On-Call 3.) Stay in the area until PS and RD arrive. 4.) Summarize your findings and let them take over. 5.) Write an Incident Report and include it in your duty log.

On certain days of the week, certain buildings cover duty for other buildings.

What is passive duty?


True or False: A Wheeler resident sleeping over at their friend's room in Hoff is considered an overnight guest.

What is True?


Emotional Support Animals and AC units are examples of the types of exceptions we make for residential students.

What are housing accommodations?


This Res Life staff member has had quite an exciting summer and has been the busiest among all the Res Life folks. 

Who is RD Anastasia?


One night, you are completing a duty round and you hear loud music, students cheering each other on, and the clinking of metals cans in a suite down the hall. What should you do? (7 steps!)

What is 1.) Assess whether or not you are comfortable in handling the situation 2.) Knock on the door announcing yourself as the RA On Duty 3.) Eliminate any distractions 4.) Ask students to present their IDs and record pertinent information 5.) Assess whether or not the students are in compliance with our policy. If not, ask them to dump out the excessive alcohol in your presence 6.) Have non-residents leave the suite 7.) Write a detailed IR and include it in your duty log.


Excessive AC/heating issues, loss of total power in the building, safety issues, etc.

What is an emergency work order?


Two Parts!: The size limit of a mini refrigerator and the # of refrigerators allowed in each room + suite.

What is 4.4 cubic feet or less? What is 1 fridge per double room and 5 per suite (1 in each bedroom and 1 in common area)?


The limit of alcohol that a 21 & older student can be in possession of.

What is (24) 12oz cans of beer OR 750ml (a fifth) of liquor OR 120 oz of wine? 


Two Parts!: Rebecca is the new RD at VTSU Castleton. She has two cats and is originally from the Northeast. What are her cats' names and her hometown?

What are Leo and Eloise? What is Poughkeepsie, NY?