Hotel that teams will be taken to
What is Hampton Inn?
Mixer location
What is Pegasus Ballroom?
4 components of tech time with timings
What is Stretching 10 min ; On Stage 18 min ; Viewing 15 min ; Practice 15 min?
Time Doors Open & Show Starts
What is 4:00PM & 4:30PM?
First & Last Name of all 5 Directors
Who are Arif Baksh, Abheesh Gupta, Bansari Modi, Kavita Ramjisingh, and Medha Rathore?
People to contact for room reveal
Who are Janani and Kheya?
Dinner food and location
What is Qdoba at Live Oak Ballroom
Large Prop Box Dimensions
What is 7 ft (length) x 4.5 ft (width) x 10 ft (height)?
Location for props breakdown
What is the Tohopekaliga High School Parking Lot?
SAP Reps
Who are Bansari, Niri, Rutwa?
How teams will be transported to dinner from the hotel
What are passenger van shuttles?
Time allocated for PMP / Optional Night Prop Building
What is 80 mins/1hr 20 mins?
How are teams transported to and from the venue for props & tech & show?
What are Passenger Vans, Liaison Cars, and Charter Buses.
The spelling of our show venue
What is T-o-h-o-p-e-k-a-l-i-g-a?
The names of Hospitality chairs and Social chairs
Who is Hasini, Alex, Sarina, Vaneesha, Ishika, Atif
Are teams allowed to leave Post-Mixer Practice or Optional Prop Building early?
No, they are not allowed to leave PMP early, yes they can leave Optional Prop Building early.
The amount of space that each team is allotted in each U-Haul
What is 8ft (length) x 4.5 ft (width) x 10 ft (height)
Location in Auditorium where liaisons will record video for viewing
Who is sitting in Judges seats at the back of the Auditorium.
First Name & Last Initial of our 6 Judges
Charu S, Nethra K, Ricky P, Khushi K, Shamik S, Mythili A.
4 RAS Reps
Who are Aryan, Vrishin, Rishi, and Rhea?
PMP/Optional Props CleanUp Time
What is 11:00PM?
All 8 Mixer Games
Krusty Krab Pizza, Jellyfish Catching, Boating School, Patricks Rock Paper Scissors, Bikini Bottom Bubbles, Sandy's Karate Chop, Spongebob's Smores
The amount of time for ONE teams tech time
58 minutes
Times you are not allowed to standup, walk around, or open back doors in the Auditorium.
What is during Intro Video and Team Performances.
List all Board Chairs / Liaisons
Yea you got it