What is "Broken"
A rabbit that has an recognized breed color in combination with white and that carries the breed pattern
Rabbits need twice as much water as _____?
What is "Condition"?
The overall physical state of a rabbit in relation to health, cleanliness, fur and grooming.
What is "Balance"?
Shape/Conformation. An orderly and pleasing arrangement of physical characteristics. Equal distribution of markings in a color pattern for a certain breed.
Where is the "Flank"
The side of the rabbit between the ribs and the hips, above the belly.
What is a "Variety"
The color the rabbit is. For example, black, opal, broken, etc.
How often should rabbit and feed dishes be cleaned?
Once a week
What is a "Class"?
Age at which a rabbit is show, Junior, Intermediate or Senior.
What is "Depth"?
The measurement downward from the top line of the body to the lowest portion of the body, also refers to the extension of color down the hair shaft.
What is a "Dewlap"?
What is a "Butterfly Marking"
A nose marking on SOME breeds and broken lop breed varieties. The wing portions cover the whiskers bed and upper lip, with the body and nose fork extending up into the center of the face.
What is the first sign your rabbit may be sick?
It stops eating and drinking
What is a DQ?
A Disqualification.
One or more deformities or blemishes that render the animal intelligible for show registration.
Where can you find a rabbit's tatto
Left, inside ear
What is the "Muzzle"
The lower part of the face and nose of the rabbit.
What is a "Market Rabbit"
A rabbit used for Meat
What serves as energy for body functions?
What is "BOS" mean
Best in Show
When a hair shaft has 3 or more bands of color, the color of the rabbit is called what?
What body parts are included in the "Forequarter" of the rabbit?
Neck and back- included until the last rib.
What is "Flat Shoulder"
A trait that occurs when the top line over the shoulders is noticeably parallel to the surface of the judging table.
A lack of continuous arch from the neck to the shoulders.
What is a plant only eating animal called?
A Herbivore
What is "Density"
Property or Quality of a thick coat of fur. The number of fur fibers in a given area.
Where would you find a rabbit’s mandible?
On it's Head, specifically the slower jaw.
What is considered the "Hindquarter"
The rear section of the rabbit, starting at the last rib and progressing to the most rear of the rabbit. it includes the Loin, Hips, Hind Legs, and Rump.