Reading 1: The Whites of their Eyes; Racist Ideologies and the Media by Stuart Hall
Reading 2: Where Platform Capitalism Meet: The Sociology of Race and Racism in the Digital Society
Case study 1: Media Representation and Racial Stereotyping in Television Examining Stuart Hall’s Theory in Contemporary Media

Case study 2: Representations of race in positions of power as shown through news media
Guess the Racism in Disney movies!

How is representation shaped by ideology?

Representation is shaped by ideology because a society's values and ideas affect who is featured in the media, and how they are depicted.


Define Racial Capitalism

The practice of the economy using inequality based on race to maintain the power of particular groups and create profits.


What is the racial “base-image” of a entertainer/clown?

According to Stuart Hall, the media reinforces discrimination based on race and makes them appear normal such as the an entertainer/clown is meant to be funny but also unintelligent.


Young people now primarily use this platform to see who represents them in positions of leadership and government.

Social Media


The Little Mermaid

Both Ariel and Prince Eric have European features while Ursula, the villain, has dark color skin.


What is Naturalization?

The process by which particular beliefs or stereotypes are constantly presented in the media to appear normal and accepted is known as "naturalization."


This type of recruiting practice, in which individuals of color are overrepresented in low-paying positions but underrepresented in leadership positions

Racial labor segregation


What are the Impact of Racial Stereotypes in Media?

Through the spread of stereotypes, the shaping of racial views, and the normalization of racial bias in society, the media promotes racial hierarchies.


In the United States, people of color hold this proportion of state supreme court seats as of 2024.



The Lion King

The hyenas are portrayed as clever troublemakers who talk in Latino and Black accents while the lions who speak American and British English, are shown as the good characters. 


What's Stuart Hall's Main Argument?

According to Stuart Hall, racist views are frequently spread by the media without people noticing. People's perceptions of various races are shaped throughout time by these concepts, which seem real and common.


Social media companies employ this method in order to hide the real impact of their racism by keeping information and decision-making processes private.



The negative effect of increased diversity for Black characters

Black characters are still frequently placed in stereotyped roles.


Define White Missing Woman Syndrome

The media's trend to focus more on missing white women than missing people of color.


Aladdin Arabian Night Song

Arabian Nights, the introductory song, initially portrayed Middle Eastern civilization as cruel and barbarous by describing Agrabah as a land where "they cut off your ear if they don't like your face."


Difference between inferential and overt racism

Inferential racism is hidden in common views and media, making stereotypes appear normal, overt racism is visible and clear, such as in hate crimes or racist laws.


Refers to the way businesses like Uber use online marketplaces to make profit while controlling employees.

Platform capitalism


Give an example of an TV reinforce negative stereotypes about Black women

 Love and Hip-Hop and Real Housewives.


What platform shows police brutality?

Social Media


The Princess and the Frog

The Princess and the Frog reinforces negative stereotypes about African and Caribbean cultures by having Tiana, Disney's first Black princess, spend the majority of the film as a green frog and focusing the plot on Voodoo magic.


Difference between Content and Form and Hall's Opinion 

Content is what an idea says, but form is how it is presented. Hall believes both are crucial and for combating racism requires altering the message and delivering in impactful ways.


Algorithmic discrimination is concealed inside them, it is more challenging to demonstrate bias

Black box society


Name a social media movement that was formed to call out the lack of diversity in Hollywood



What's the negative effect of removing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)?

Eliminating DEI programs may result in less equal environments at work and school, limiting opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds and making it more difficult to address discrimination.


Peter Pan

The Native American characters in Peter Pan are shown in a degrading way, with exaggerated facial characteristics, poor English, and actions that make them seem different than a actual people.