
What does the R in R.A.C.E.S. stand for?


What does the A in R.A.C.E.S. stand for?



What does the C in R.A.C.E.S. stand for?



What does the E in R.A.C.E.S. stand for?



Restate this question: What is the capital of the United States?

The capital of the United States is...


Answer the question: What is the main idea of the story? 

Dogs have been loyal companions to humans for thousands of years. They help people in many ways, such as guiding the visually impaired, assisting police officers, and providing comfort as therapy animals. In return, people provide dogs with food, shelter, and love.

The main idea of the story is that dogs help humans in many ways and have been loyal companions for a long time.


Cite the question: Find evidence to support this claim: Chocolate is a popular dessert.

Many people enjoy eating chocolate because of its rich and sweet taste. Chocolate bars, cakes, and ice cream are some of the most popular treats at parties and celebrations. In fact, studies show that chocolate is one of the most frequently purchased sweets worldwide.

"Chocolate bars, cakes, and ice cream are some of the most popular treats at parties and celebrations."


Explain why studying is important for success in school.

Students who take time to review their notes, complete assignments, and practice skills tend to perform better in school. Studying helps reinforce what they have learned and prepares them for tests. Without studying, it is easy to forget important details and struggle with new material.

Studying is important for success in school because it helps students remember what they have learned and prepares them for tests. Without studying, they may struggle with new material.


Why is reading important for students?

Reading is important for students because ____.


Answer the question: Why do we need to exercise?

Regular exercise is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It helps strengthen muscles, improves heart health, and reduces stress. People who exercise regularly often have more energy and feel better overall. Even simple activities like walking or stretching can have a positive impact on a person’s well-being.

We need to exercise because it strengthens our muscles, improves heart health, and reduces stress.


Cite evidence from this passage to show that the character was very brave.

Liam could hear the strong winds howling outside, shaking the windows. Despite being scared, he took a deep breath, grabbed a flashlight, and slowly walked toward the basement to check on his younger sister. He knew she was afraid of storms, and he wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Despite being scared, he took a deep breath, grabbed a flashlight, and slowly walked toward the basement to check on his younger sister."


Explain why following directions helps in the classroom.

Mrs. Lopez gave her class clear instructions for the science experiment. She told them to wear safety goggles, mix the chemicals in small amounts, and record their observations. Jason didn’t listen carefully and poured too much of one liquid, causing it to overflow. His group had to start over.

Following directions helps in the classroom because it prevents mistakes. In the passage, Jason didn’t listen to instructions and had to start over, showing that not following directions can cause problems.


What role does the theme of perseverance play in the story’s main conflict?

The theme of perseverance plays a role in the story’s main conflict by ____.


Answer the question: Who was the first President of the United States, and why was he important?

George Washington was elected as the first President of the United States in 1789. He helped shape the new government and set many traditions still followed today, such as only serving two terms. Washington was respected for his leadership and dedication to the country, especially after leading the American army to victory in the Revolutionary War.

The first President of the United States was George Washington. He was important because he helped shape the government and set important traditions.


Cite evidence that supports this: The main character is sad in the story.

Emma sat on the park bench, staring at the ground. She sighed heavily, her eyes welling up with tears. The book she had been reading lay closed on her lap, but she didn't feel like reading anymore. Her best friend had moved away that morning, and now everything felt different.

"She sighed heavily, her eyes welling up with tears."


Explain how practice can make you better at a skill.

Lena wanted to learn how to play the piano, but at first, she struggled to press the right keys. She practiced for 20 minutes every day, and after a few weeks, she was able to play a simple song without mistakes. The more she practiced, the easier it became.

Practice makes you better at a skill because it helps build confidence and ability. In the passage, Lena struggled at first, but after practicing every day, she improved and could play a song without mistakes.


In what ways does the author use symbolism to convey the protagonist’s emotional growth?

The author uses symbolism to convey the protagonist’s emotional growth by ____.


Answer the question: What is one reason the author wrote this passage, and how do you know?

Recycling is one of the easiest ways to help the environment. When people recycle paper, plastic, and glass, it reduces waste and keeps landfills from filling up too quickly. Recycling also helps conserve natural resources, such as trees and clean water. By making small changes, people can make a big difference in protecting the planet.

One reason the author wrote this passage was to inform readers about the benefits of recycling.


Cite a quote that proves the character changes by the end of the story.

At the beginning of the school year, Maya was too nervous to speak up in class. She always kept her thoughts to herself, even when she had the right answer. But after months of practice and encouragement from her teacher, she finally raised her hand one day. "I think the theme of the story is about never giving up," she said confidently.

"But after months of practice and encouragement from her teacher, she finally raised her hand one day."


Explain why reading the instructions first helps when taking a test.

Marco rushed to start his math test without reading the directions. Halfway through, he realized that some of the problems had specific instructions that he had skipped. As a result, he had to erase his answers and redo several questions. If he had read the directions first, he would have saved time.

Reading the instructions first helps on a test because it prevents mistakes and saves time. In the passage, Marco didn’t read the directions and had to redo several questions.