Roles and Responsibilities
Impact on Indigenous Communities
Legislation and Policies

What year was the Indian Act first enacted in Canada?



What was one of the primary duties of Indian agents on reserves?

Resource management, enforcement of policies, administrative oversight


What was a common effect of Indian agents on Indigenous cultures?

Banning of traditional ceremonies and forced children to go to residential schools, contributed to the suppression of Indigenous assimilation through restricted practices and undermined local governance


Name one significant piece of legislation that affected Indian agents.

The Indian Act of 1876.


Which government department was primarily responsible for Indian agents?

Department of Indian Affairs


How did Indian agents influence the distribution of resources to Indigenous communities?

Agents managed government resources and finances that were being sent into reserves.


How did Indian agents change traditional leadership in Indigenous communities?

Imposed colonial authority, undermining traditional Indigenous leadership and governance systems by implementing band councils


What did the Indian Act do for Indigenous peoples? 

Controlled all aspects of Indigenous life, from housing to marriage to education and more


What major historical event in Canada led to the increased role of Indian agents?

Indian Act or confederation


What was their role in the sixties scoop?

They identified and facilitated the removal of Indigenous children, worked with child welfare agencies to justify these apprehensions, controlled community records, suppressed resistance.


What impact did Indian agents have on land ownership for Indigenous peoples?

Had control over Indigenous peoples properties and their ability to take out loans


What was one rule/system that Indian agents had to follow under the Indian Act?

Issue passes for Indigenous individuals to leave their reserves.


When were Indian agents removed?

In the 1960s


What was the relationship between Indian agents and local Indigenous leaders?

Tension and conflict caused by the Indian agents' abusing their power and holding authority over leadership


How did Indian agents impact Indigenous education?

They enforced attendance at residential schools, often against parents' wishes.