Rachel was born in March. It is the _________ month.
Rachel has two sisters and she was born first. This means she is the _______ of three children.
Oldest or first
Rachel has lived in the same city as the Empire State Building. What city it?
New York City
Conjugate the verbs!
Rachel [to stop & to work] as a podcaster to move to Spain.
Rachel stopped working as a podcast to move to Spain.
Turn this fact into a question:
I think the Beatles are boring.
What/who bores you?
How old will Rachel be in five years? (Say the number correctly AND spell it.)
Forty-nine - 49
Rachel does not have any children but her siblings do, so she has five _______ & _______. What are they?
Nieces and nephews
Rachel went to university and graduate school in a state that starts with an "O." What state is it?
Conjugate the verbs!
Rachel [to remember & to go] to Lady Gaga's apartment to record an interview.
Rachel remembers going to Lady Gaga's apartment to record an interview.
Turn this fact into a question:
Lately I have been listening to a band called Soccer Mommy.
Who/what are you listening to?
What year was Rachel born? (Say the number correctly AND spell it.)
Nineteen eighty-one - 1981
Rachel's sister is married to a man named Steven. So Rachel has a __________. What is he?
Rachel's dad was born in the state that is home to Atlanta. What state is it?
Conjugate the verbs!
Rachel [to regret & to wait] so long to move to Spain.
Rachel regrets waiting so long to move to Spain.
Turn this fact into a question:
I want to see Bad Bunny perform live.
Who do you want to see perform live?
Rachel's birthday is on Tuesday of this week. That means she was born on the _________ of March (say the number correctly AND spell it).
The eighteenth of March
Rachel has had a tabby, calico, and long-haired ________. What is it?
Rachel has lived in Cleveland and Rochester, which are both cities that are located on the shore of a Great _______.
Rachel has lived in Cleveland and Rochester, which are both cities that are located on the shore of Great Lakes.
Earn a bonus of 1,000 if you can name one of the lakes!
Conjugate the verbs!
Because it was really boring, Rachel [to forget & to grow up] in Maryland.
Because it was really boring, Rachel forgot growing up in Maryland.
Turn this fact into a question:
I am annoyed when people say they "hate" Taylor Swift.
What annoys you?
What was the decade when Rachel was between the ages of nine to nineteen?
The Nineties - the 90s
Rachel's grandmother was named Mildred. Mildred's mother was named Dora. Dora's mother was named Amanda. Amanda is Rachel's _________.
Rachel has been to four North American countries - Canada, the USA, Mexico, and Costa Rica. Name three other North American countries.
Antigua and Barbuda
The Bahamas
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago
Conjugate the verb!
I [to regret & to tell] you that my commute to school is nearly an hour and a half long.
I regret to tell you that my commute to school is nearly an hour and a half long.
Turn this fact into a question:
I went to see Arooj Aftab perform in October.
Who did you see in October?