Wealth Gap
Perception vs. Reality
Solutions & Challenges
The 1%
The Bottom 40%

The poorest 40% of Americans own this percentage of the nation’s wealth.

What is 0% (or close to zero)?


According to the video, most Americans believe the wealthiest 20% own about this percentage of the nation’s wealth.

What is 60%


The video highlights that fixing wealth inequality requires policies that support this type of economic growth.

What is inclusive (or equitable) growth?


The top 1% of Americans own about this percentage of the country’s wealth.

A: What is 40%?


The video shows that the bottom 40% of Americans struggle because they have almost no access to this financial asset.

A: What is savings (or wealth)?


The video compares wealth distribution in America to this shape, where a small top portion holds most of the wealth.

What is a pyramid?


In reality, the top 20% own approximately this staggering percentage of the nation's wealth.

What is 85%


One proposed solution to reduce wealth inequality is raising this federal baseline for workers.

What is the minimum wage?


The top 1% of Americans have more wealth than this combined portion of the population.

A: What is the bottom 90%?


Many low-income Americans rely on these forms of financial support, which often fail to close the wealth gap.

A: What are government assistance programs?


The bottom 80% of Americans only own about this fraction of the country’s wealth.

What is 7%?


This term describes the difference between what people think wealth distribution looks like and the actual distribution.

What is perception bias?


The video argues that many Americans would support wealth redistribution if they were better informed about this economic issue.

What is the actual wealth gap?


The video shows that CEO salaries have grown exponentially compared to this group’s wages.

A: What are average workers?


The video suggests that this major economic issue makes it difficult for lower-income Americans to improve their financial status.

A: What is wage stagnation?