Black Land Loss
Native American Land Loss
Immigrant Land Loss
Land Loss
Here & Now

Used as a tool for social terror, racial violence and land theft, affluent Black property owners became the target of white supremacist mobs, with over 3,000 African Americans experiencing this between 1865 and 1965

What is lynching?


Originally settled by Polynesian explorers in the 11th century, this chain of Pacific islands was taken over by white businessmen in the 1800s through threat of violence and eventual U.S. annexation

What is Hawaii?


These were constructed under President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1942 Executive Order 9066 after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II, with more than 120,000 Japanese and Japanese-Americans forced to abandon their homes and land

What are Japanese Internment Camps?


Racial equality refers to having equal access and opportunities, but these do not necessarily result in equal outcomes. Racial ___ includes providing additional resources and opportunities to compensate for these potential disadvantages.

What is equity?


According to the United States Department of Agriculture, this practice consists of a community of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation so that the farmland becomes, either legally or spiritually, the community's farm, with the growers and consumers providing mutual support and sharing the risks and benefits of food production.

What is community supported agriculture?


This form of property ownership is real estate passed from one generation to the other with little to no legal documentation. For many families, ownership in this form limits their capability to establish generational wealth, because they often cannot prove ownership when the deed is still in the deceased family member’s name.

What is heirs property?


This term tells the story that United States territorial expansion is preferable, inevitable, and ordained by God

What is Manifest Destiny?


The California state legislature enacted these laws in 1913 and 1920, aimed at a predominantly Japanese population, that banned individual foreigners who had not registered as U.S. citizens and companies that were controlled by these populations from purchasing and owning property in the state. Under the U.S. Naturalization Law of 1870, these laws applied to people of Asian origin who were born and raised outside the country.

What are the California Alien Land Laws?


This was a class action lawsuit that accused the USDA of racial discrimination against Black communities and farmers when allocating farm grants and loans.

What is Pigford v. Glickman?


Between 1934 and 1962, the federal government insured $120 billion in home loans. More than 98 percent of the loans were made to whites. As a result, many African Americans resorted to ___. Under this system, real estate speculators bought homes in neighborhoods on the outskirts of white communities to sell housing contracts to black residents.

What is contract lending?


In 1862, this federal act offered any male adult U.S. citizen, and some women, who had never fought against the U.S. government over 160 acres of land surveyed by the government, if the requirements of cultivation were met.

What is the Homestead Act?


This New Deal program was intended to address the poor living conditions, high death and infection rates, and severe soil erosion that Native American communities living on federally-enforced reservations were experiencing

What is the Indian Reorganization Act?


Millions of Mexicans had legally entered the States through a joint immigration program with Mexico in the first half of the 20th century. This 1954 deportation operation used military-style tactics to remove Mexican immigrants, including citizens, from the United States.

What is Operation Wetback?


Filed in 1999, Keepseagle v. Vilsack alleged Native American farmers and ranchers were granted unequal access and opportunities to low-interest loans. The case was settled in this year.

What is 2011?


In the United States, this comprehensive omnibus piece of legislation that is the primary agricultural and food policy instrument of the federal government

What is the Farm Bill?


This post-Civil War practice forced 4 million Blacks without land to rent the farmland of their previous master in exchange for part of their crop. This system tied Black farmers to their former master because they were legally obligated to BUY all farming materials at higher prices and SELL their farming crops solely to their former master at lower prices.

What is sharecropping?


Often referred to as the “Trail of Tears,” this Act legalized the forced relocation of Native Americans from various tribal lands in the US Southeast to what is now the state of Oklahoma

What is the Indian Removal Act?


Conducted between 1929 and 1936, this was an extensive deportation exercise aimed at Mexican Americans and Mexicans. An estimated 400,000 to 2 million people were forcefully removed from the U.S. to create more room for U.S. citizens to obtain employment. A projected 60% of the individuals who experienced forced deportation were U.S.-born citizens.

What is the Mexican Repatriation?


Garcia v. Vilsack (2000) and Love v. Vilsack are cases that were filed under the bases systematic discrimination against a class of farmers regarding credit transactions and disaster benefits in violation of the Administrative Proceedure Act and this Act.

What is the Equal Credit Opportunity Act?


Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional and The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed segregation and discriminatory practices. However, it wasn’t until this year when the IRS began to penalize segregated institutions.

What is 1970?


In “The Color of Law,” the author describes how segregation in America is the byproduct of explicit government policies at the local, state, and federal levels. This colorful term describes the practice of banks refusing home loans or insurance to someone because they live in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk.

What is redlining?


Originally a series of papal bulls endorsing European (read: white) conquest and enslavement of foreign people groups, this doctrine was later incorporated into international law and addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court in multiple judicial decisions

What is the Doctrine of Discovery?


Enacted in 1855 in California, this act legalized the arrest of those perceived as violating its anti-vagrancy statute and used the word "Greaser", found in section two, to refer to individuals of "Spanish and Indian blood" specifically

What is the Greaser Act?


This 2020 landmark U.S. Supreme Court case decided that large portions of eastern Oklahoma remain Native American lands, as the prior Indian reservations of the Five Civilized Tribes were never disestablished by Congress as part of the Oklahoma Enabling Act of 1906.

What is McGirt v. Oklahoma?


In 1920 nearly 15% of American farmers were Black. Today, less than 2% of farmers are Black and what percent identify as a Farmers of Color.

What is 6%?