Starting Line
Marks and Rounding
When Boats Meet
Other Definitions

The starting horn sequence of sounds

What is three long, two long, one long-three short, one long, three short, two short, one short, then five short countdown to long blast start?


Two, non-finish line, side-by-side, square-to-the-wind marks are called this.

What is a gate?


A starboard-tack boat.

A boat on which tack has right-of-way over a port-tack boat?


The definition of finishing.

What is it called when any part of your hull crosses the finish line?


When a boat's masthead is in the water

When is a boat capsized?


What you do if you're over the line early

What is dipping back below the line completely to clear, then heading back up to race?


The penalty for touching a mark.

What is one tack and one gybe in the same direction?


The penalty for breaking a rule in Part 2-When Boats Meet.

What are a tack, a gybe, another tack, and another gybe, all in the same direction?


The definition of when a boat is racing.

What is the period between the preparatory signal (two minutes) and when the boat clears the finishing line and marks, or retires?


The first reasonable opportunity after a rule is believed broken.

When shall a protesting boat inform the other boat of a protest?


What is barging?


The "Zone"

What is the area called within three boat lengths of a mark?


A boat to leeward

When on the same tack and overlapped, which boat has right of way?


Something boats must do after finishing.

What is keep clear of other boats still racing?


A race delayed before its scheduled start, which may be started or abandoned later.

What is a postponed race?


The latest R/C can adjust the starting line.

When the Preparatory Signal (two minutes) occurs, this starting line limitation takes effect?


Mark room is no longer required in these cases.

When happens if a boat entitled to mark room passes head to wind, or leaves the zone, but NOT in case of an overlap being broken?

A boat clear ahead.

When on the same tack and not overlapped, which boat has right of way?


Before the boat finishes...

When must a boat correct any errors in sailing the course?


The definition of an overlap.

When a boat's hull and equipment (in normal position) is ahead a line abeam the aftermost point of the other boat's hull and equipment (in normal position), is called?


What is the "Z" or "Zulu" flag, meaning no part of the boat may be in the triangle of the starting line and 1st weather mark during the last minute, or receive a 20% penalty.


The size of the boat nearest the mark.

When two boats of different sizes are racing, this boat length determines the size of the zone?


Rule 14

Which rule discusses avoiding contact?


Something R/C can do before the first boat starts the last leg.

When can the finish line be adjusted?


Proper course

The course a boat would choose in order to sail the course and finish as soon as possible, in absence of other boats referred to in the rule?