Environmental Racism
Cultural Racism

What is environmental racism?

Environmental racism is when certain communities, often based on race or ethnicity, are unfairly exposed to more pollution and environmental hazards than others. 


What is cultural racism

Cultural racism is when people treat others unfairly or disrespectfully because of their culture, traditions, or the way they live.


How does environmental racism affect the health of people in certain communities?

Environmental racism affects the health of people in certain communities by exposing them to harmful pollutants and toxins that can cause serious health problems.


How do stereotypes related to cultural racism perpetuate negative assumptions about certain communities?

Stereotypes related to cultural racism can create negative assumptions about certain communities by misrepresenting them making them look bad.


What role do governments play in causing or solving environmental racism?

Sometimes, governments might allow harmful factories or waste sites to be built in certain areas, often where poor or minority communities live.


In what ways can cultural racism be embedded within the education system

Sometimes, school textbooks and lessons only show one side of history or portray certain cultures in a negative or stereotypical way.


How can environmental racism lead to unequal access to clean water, air, and land?

Environmental racism happens when certain communities, especially communities of color or lower-income groups, are unfairly exposed to pollution or other environmental dangers.


How can individuals and communities actively work to combat cultural racism and promote cultural understanding and inclusivity?

If you hear someone making a racist or stereotypical comment, speak up and explain why it’s wrong. 


What actions can be taken by individuals and communities to fight environmental racism?

If you notice that a community is being exposed to pollution or harmful environmental conditions, you can speak out about it. 


Can cultural racism occur in spaces that are otherwise racially diverse? If so, how?

People in a diverse space might still hold onto stereotypes about certain cultures, like assuming that all people from a particular culture act the same way or believe the same things.