Systemic Barriers
Systemic Barriers and proposals to address those barriers
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior
What is Racism?
True or False: Having a university level education guarantees ethnocultural minorities employment?
These courses are usually taught to students whose first language is not English. They are only designed so the student can understand fundamental English and not the English used in higher education.
What is English as a Second Language (ESL)?
Work experience earned within Canada that employers actively seek in job applications What is Canadian Work Experience
What is Canadian Work Experience
True or False: The Supreme Court of Canada allows employers to hire based on the “Canadian experience”
What is False
policies and practices which are entrenched in the structure of an organization that create exclusion and promote disadvantages for designated persons
What is systemic racism?
Who has higher educational attainment? male or female immigrants?
It is often assumed that a country with one of these colonial backgrounds has immigrants that linguistically fit better in Canada.
What are English or French backgrounds
The selection process used by Canada in determining which immigrants who come into the country are more marketable based on their skills necessary to meet the needs of Canada's labour market.
What is the Federal Skilled Worker Program
How much is lost to the Canadian economy each year as a result of unrecognized qualifications
What is between 4 and 6 billion
What are the characteristics of systemic racism?
-discriminatory barriers in recruitment and hiring -discriminatory restricted access to management training programs -disability discrimination such as unlawful pre-employment inquiries -etc.
In 2001 how many Canadians were visible minorities?
Four Million
Possessing this, Bordieu says, can help native-born Canadians understand their professors.
What is Linguistic Capital
The systemic barrier can be defined as the Canadian labour market failing to recognize the educational impact of degrees or certifications acquired by immigrants outside of Canada
What is Credential Recognition issues
What percentage of immigrants perceive that the Canadian Experience Requirement is a barrier when entering the workforce
What is 34%
Give specific historical examples of systemic racism in Canada.
-Chinese head tax - Aboriginal residential schools - The Exclusion Act - Japanese internment camps
8.6% of visible minorities fall under this category
What is unemployment
Ethnocultural group that has the highest high school and post secondary graduation rate
What is Asians.
Based on the Federal Skilled Workers program, the total amount of points federal skilled workers can earn in the language proficiency section is
What is 28
What percentage of immigrants reported that they could not speak French or English which are the national languages of Canada
What is 21 percent
What are three of the five ethno-racial groups in Canada
- South Asian - Black/ African - White/ European - Asian - Other (Hispanics, aboriginals, and mixed ethno-racial background)
Defined by the Canadian Government as a person or group visibly not one of the majority race in a given populaion
What is visible minorities
This factor makes it easier of more difficult for an immigrant to learn english
What is age
Recent immigrants who are university graduates and who came to Canada between 2001 and 2006 earned how much less than equally well-educated Canadian born workers.
What is $41,760
What are the requirements that allow an employer to say that the Canadian Experience is justified?
they have to show that they: -have taken a flexible approach -looked at other types of experience, -weighed other types of experience against the other requirements of the job