Complete the statement "stop I could've dropped my _____"
Question: Which famous video game franchise is the game 'V-Bucks' from?
Eminem‘s 8 Mile is named after a road in which city?
Name the company YouTube channel that passed pewdiepie in subscribers
How tall is Racstorian
Which frog is on a unicycle?
Dat boi
Mario originated as a character in which video game?
'Donkey Kong'.
Which classical composer was deaf?
Ludwig van Beethoven
Which youtuber was caught meeting someone for a cupcake
Where were fortune cookies invented?
San Francisco
What was sonics meme counterpart called
Which French video game company is publishing the 'Far Cry' series?
Who sang the Spongebob Squarepants theme song for the movie?
Avril Lavigne
Who is the ceo of youtube
Susan Wojcicki
Which animal's urine glows in the dark?
A cat's urine.
What event corresponds to the date September 20th, 2019?
The area 51 raid
What's the best selling video game console of all time?
PlayStation 2.
Billie Eilish is obsessed with which classic TV show?
The office
Which youtuber created the Harlem shake
Filthy Frank
how old is oprah winfrey
Spell Harambe
When was 'Super Smash Bros.' released?
13 September 2014.
What was Freddie Mercury‘s real name?
Farrokh Bulsara
What was the name of the youtube video that was popular in 2012 from popular artist psy
Gangnam Style
who wrote the harry potter books
J. K. Rowling