The bones of the upper extremity consist of..
shoulder girdle.
Are the phalanges long bones or short bones?
Long bones
Each phalanx has a...
Head, body, base
What are the metacarpal heads known as?
The knuckles.
List the carpal bones in the distal row (closest to the palm of the hand)
How many bones does the hand consist of?
27 bones
How many phalanges does the thumb have?
Two phalanges, proximal and distal.
The five metacarpals are...
Cylindric in shape, slightly concave anteriorly.
Form the palm of the hand.
Long bones consisting of a body, head and base
How are the metacarpals numbered?
1-5. 1st metacarpal being the thumb and the 5th metacarpal being the pinky.
List the characteristics of the scaphoid bone.
largest bone in the proximal carpal row
has a tubercle on the anterior and lateral aspect for muscle attachment.
Palpable near the base of the thumb.
What are the subdivisions of the bones of the hand?
1. phalanges: bones of the digits (fingers and thumb)
2. Metacarpals: bones of the palm
3.Carpals: bones of the wrist.
How many phalanges do the remaining four digits have?
Three phalanges, proximal, middle, and distal.
Where do fractures in the metacarpals most likely occur?
At the neck of the bone, which is the area below the head of the bone.
How many bones does the wrist have?
8 carpal bones, arraigned in a horizontal row.
List the characteristics of the lunate.
Articulates with the radius proximally and is easy to recognize due to its crescent shape.
What are the 5 digits?
first digit (thumb)
second digit (index finger)
third digit (middle finger)
fourth digit (ring finger)
Fifth digit (pinky finger)
The proximal phalanges are...
Closest to the palm.
What metacarpals contains sesamoid bones?
The first metacarpal, has two small sesamoid bones on its palmar aspect below the neck.
What type of bone are the carpals classified as?
Short bones.
List the characteristics of the triquetrum.
pyramidal, articulates anteriorly with the hamate.
How many phalanges do the digits contain?
14 phalanges.
The distal phalanges are....
Where would we see a single sesamoid?
In the second metacarpal.
List the carpal bones in the proximal row (nearest to the forearm).
List the characteristics of the pisiform.
pea-shaped bone
situated anterior to the triquetrum and is easily palpated.