What is the level of the jugular notch?
Located at the T2-T3 landmark (between clavicles.)
Superior: right hypochondrium, epigastrium, left hypochondrium.
Middle: Right lateral, umbilical, Left lateral
Inferior: Right inguinal, Hypogastrium, Left inguinal.
How do we know if the PA chest Xray has been rotated?
The Sternoclavicular joint would look uneven
Central Ray location for PA Oblique Projection.
PA Oblique: Perpendicular to IR, Enters at T7 (inferior scapula).
What is projection vs. position
Position: patient's placement of the body in relation to the IR
Projection: The way the Xray beam passes through the body.
A rupture of which of the following would cause free air in the upright abdomen?
The colon.
What is the central ray location for supine abdomen projection?
perpendicular to the IR at the level of the iliac crests.
What anatomy is need in an UPRIGHT abdominal xray?
Psoas muscles, Kidneys, liver, Must include Diaphragm
Central Ray location for AP Oblique Projection?
AP Oblique: perpendicular to center of IR, enters at a level 3 inches below Jugular notch. (CR exits at t7)
Define Tuberculosis.
Chronic infection of the lung caused by tubercle bacillus.
What is the KVP range for abdominal radiography?
85-90 KVP
What is the central ray location for an upright abdomen projection?
horizontal and 2 inches above the level of the iliac crest. (includes the diaphragm)
What anatomy is need for a SUPINE abdominal Xray.
Pubic symphysis, Psoas muscles, Kidneys, liver, processes of the lumbar vertebrae.
Central Ray Location for AP Axial Projection
Central Ray angled 15-20 degrees cephalad to the center of the IR.
central ray enters at the manibrium
Define Pneumonia.
Acute infection of the lung parenchyma.
What is the KVP range for Chest Radiography?
90-120 KVP
What position best demonstrates free air in the abdomen?
Left lateral decubitus position.
What is the Central Ray location for chest PA radiography.
PA: perpendicular to IR CR enters at T7 (inferior scapula).
Central Ray location for Abdominal AP projection Supine.
Define Pneumoperitoneum.
Presence of air in the peritoneal cavity.
What are the 4 quadrants of the abdomen?
Right upper
Right Lower
Left upper
Left lower.
How do we know if a Lateral chest x-ray is rotated?
The ribs would not be superimposed.
Central Ray location for Lateral chest projection.
Lateral: perpendicular to IR, enters at midcoronal plane T7 (inferior scapula)
Central Ray location for Abdominal AP Projection Upright?
Horizontal, 2 inches above iliac crest to include the diaphragm.
Define Bowel Obstruction.
Blockage of bowel lumen.