What is radiation?
Radiation is energy that travels in the form of waves or particles. Radiation is also felt by holding your hand above something hot/warm and feeling the heat waves.
What is convection?
Air rising.
What is conduction?
Feeling heat by physically touching something.
Who won large Co-Ed worlds 2019?
Cheer Athletics Cheetahs.
No number before 1,000 contains what letter?
True or False radiation is something that you feel heat from physically touching it.
What makes heat rise?
Heat rises because when air is heated, it expands and becomes less dense than the cooler air around it, causing it to naturally float upwards due to buoyancy.
conduction is heat transferred by what?
At what level in cheer can you start doing twisting tumbling?
Level 5
A group of owls is called what?
Radiation is heat transferred through what?
How does convection help heat your attic?
because hot air rises.
if you put a egg on a frying pan where is the heat transferring?
Frying pan-Egg.
What are the three biggest All-Star Cheer competitions.
CHEERSPORT Nationals, NCA All-Star Nationals, and All-Star Worlds
The deepest part of the ocean is approximately how many feet down?
35,876 feet down.
Do humans give off radiation?
Why do basements usually feel cooler than the rest of the building?
because hot air rises and your basement is a the BOTTOM of your house.
If you put your hand on a stove where is the heat transferring?
Who won Medium Co-Ed 6 Worlds 2024?
Top Gun Revalation.
Somewhere between 50% and 80% of earth's living organisms are where?
in the ocean.
Why is radiation dangerous?
Radiation can interact with DNA directly and cause damage by breaking bonds in the DNA.
What happens to the temperature of the soup when you turn off the stove’s element?
When you turn off the stove element under a pot of soup, the temperature of the soup will gradually decrease until it reaches room temperature.
Why do you feel cold?
When the heat leaves your body.
When was NCA cheer founded?
The specks on strawberries are single seeds called what?