Radiation Protection Showdown
Radiation Risk & Protection
The Power of Radiation
Pioneers & Discoveries
Radiation & Its Effects

This radiation safety principle involves minimizing time, maximizing distance, and using shielding to reduce exposure.

What is the Cardinal principles? 


This type of radiation is capable of removing tightly bound electrons from atoms

What is ionizing radiation


This fundamental equation, developed by Albert Einstein, describes the relationship between mass and energy

What is E=mc²?


This American inventor developed the fluoroscope in 1898, allowing real-time imaging of internal structures.

Who is Thomas Edison?


This term refers to the reddening of the skin due to high radiation exposure, an early sign of radiation damage.

What is erythema?


This organization, founded in 1920, is the world's largest membership association for medical imaging technologists and radiation therapists.

What is the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT)?


This principle ensures that radiation exposure is kept as low as reasonably achievable to protect patients and personnel.

What is ALARA?


This form of energy results from the movement of electrons through an electrical potential difference, as seen in an X-ray tube.

What is electrical energy?


This Boston dentist was one of the first to introduce radiation protection measures, including collimation and filtration

Who is William Rollins?


This condition, often linked to radiation exposure, results in the abnormal overproduction of immature white blood cells

What is leukemia?


This term refers to the total ionizing radiation energy absorbed per kilogram of matter and is measured in Grays (Gy).

What is absorbed dose?


•Absorbed dose is the radiation energy absorbed per unit mass and has units of J/kg or Gyt.


•The units Gya and Gyt refer to radiation dose in air and tissue, respectively.


This measurement is weighted using tissue weighting factors (wT) to estimate the overall risk of harm to the body. 

What is effective dose?


This type of radiation consists of high-energy, high-speed electrons or positrons emitted during radioactive decay

What is beta radiation?


This scientist introduced the Snook Transformer in 1907, providing a high-voltage power supply for X-ray production

Who is H.C. Snook?


This SI unit is used to measure occupational radiation exposure and effective dose, taking into account radiation type and tissue sensitivity

What is the Sievert (Sv)?


This agency sets certification and registration requirements for radiologic technologists and ensures they meet education, ethics, and examination standards.

What is the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT)?


This type of radiation damage occurs at the cellular level and can lead to mutations, cancer, and other long-term health effects.

What is stochastic effect?


This SI unit measures the radiation energy absorbed per kilogram of tissue and is commonly used in medical dosimetry

What is the Gray (Gy)?


This vacuum tube, introduced in 1913, allowed for better control of X-ray intensity and energy, revolutionizing radiology.

What is the Coolidge Tube?


This period refers to the time between radiation exposure and the appearance of harmful biological effects

What is the latent period?


This unit, named after a French physicist, measures the rate of radioactive decay or activity of a substance.

What is the Becquerel (Bq)?


This organization is responsible for certifying and registering radiologic technologists by overseeing education, ethics, and examination requirements.

hat is the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT)?


This type of radiation consists of electromagnetic waves with no mass or charge and is emitted from the nucleus of a radioisotope

What is gamma radiation?


This invention by Gustov Bucky in 1913 and later improved by Hollis Potter helped reduce scatter radiation in X-ray imaging.

What is the Bucky-Potter Grid?


Radiation-induced effects can be classified into these two categories: one affects the exposed individual, while the other affects future generations.

What are somatic and genetic effects?