In 1895 he was credited with discovering X-ray.
Who is Wilhelm Roentgen?
150 R/hr is equal to how many mR/hr?
What is 150,000 mR/hr?
The Safe for the public radiation dose rate?
What is 2 mR/hr?
What is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (or Attainable)?
These three things encompass the essence radiation safety.
What are Time, Distance & Shielding?
The first American scientist to experiment with X-ray in the late 1890's.
Who is Thomas Edison?
0.500 mR/r is equal to how many R/hr?
What is 0.000500 R/hr?
A qualified, badged industrial radiographer maximum allowable dose rate.
What is 5mR/hr?
What is Half Value Layer?
A nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei of a lower atomic number fuse to form a heavier nucleus with the release of energy. The sun is an example of this process.
What is Nuclear Fusion?
First person to recieve two nobel prizes.
Who is Marie Curie?
Write out the formula to find New Intensity (I2).
I2 = I1 x D12 /D22
What is Desired Intensity?
What is a Radiation Safety Officer?
The process by which the nucleus of a stable atom splits upon impact of another particle and splits into 2 smaller parts. The resulting atoms are not the same element as the parent atom and are considered unstable and radioactive. This is the process by which Industrial isotopes (Cobalt 60, Iridium 192, Cesium 137) are created.
What is Nuclear Fission?
He is recorded as the first US citizen to die from X-ray exposure.
Who is Clarence Dally?
Write out the formula to find the New Distance (D2)
on white board
What is original Intensity?
What is the International System of units of measurement?
(Includes most of the base units formerly called metric.)
This NDT JOKER has a lot in common with a goofball named "Gilligan".
Who is Zak MILLIGAN?
He slanders Radiography at every opportunity and babbles on, and on, and on, and on, and on.............
.......about UT.
Who is Zak Milligan?
Write out HVL Formula on the white board.
100 ci of IR 192 emits how many R/hr in air, at one foot?
What is 520 R/hr?
What is the American Honky Tonk Bar Association?
This local government agency is credited with developing the process to create Zirconium for the US navy Nuclear Propulsion Program in the 1940's.
Who is the Albany Bureau of Mines?