Making Inferences
Analyzing Theme
Character Response
Point of View

What does it mean to draw inferences?

What is to use facts and details to draw a conclusion that is not specifically stated


What is the theme?

What is the central message the author wants you to learn from the story. 


At what point in the story do we really learn about the main character?

What is during the Climax 


What is Point of View?

the way that the narrator sees and experiences events. 


When making an inference readers should use what to make sure that they are not just guessing?

What is evidence 

Name the theme of the Novel you have been reading. Explain.


Friendship- characters who are trustworthy and loyal to one another. 


How does an author show the development of a character?

What is showing how the characters responds to the events that occur 


When the reader is able to see the perspective of all the characters it is called?

What is 3rd person Omniscient 


How will I ever decide? Look at all the different choices. There are red hots, chocolates, candy corn, jaw breakers, sour patch, gummy worms lollipops and so much more. Where am I?

What is a Candy Store/ Candy Isle in the store 


What is the theme of "The Three Little Pigs" 

What is taking your time to do something right pays off.

When Kristi was 10 her parents adopted a dog. The dog became he best friend. When Krisit was old enough she volunteered at her local shelter. 

Explain the change that happened in this Character.

Because Kristi loved her dog she wanted to help other dogs find a loving home.  

Why might a 1st person point of view be biased?

What is because the reader only sees one perspective/ the protagonist is the only one who is telling the story. 


Use the Sentences to answer the question: 

Mrs. Adams held her hot chocolate in her hands, she loved watching the steam roll off the top of the cup and watching the marshmallows melt. 

What does this sentence tell us about Mrs. Adams.

What is that she LOVES Hot Chocolate! 


What is the Theme of Little Red Riding Hood?

What is obeying your parents/ being cautious with strangers


Think about the character NEMO....Explain the traits that he has. 

What is his resilience/ okay with being different


What point of view uses the words you and your? 

What is 2nd person 

Is an inference that you might make always correct? Why/Why not?

What is no, it is just an educated guess based on your observation or background knowledge. 


Name one question that you can ask yourself to identify the theme. 

What real life issues are reflected in the text?

What does the author say about those issues?

Why did the author write this?

What does this teach us? 


Problem: Is is so hot that no one wants to go outside?

What is a potential solution

What is going to a pool/ going to a waterpark/ playing with the hose


What point of view uses I or we?

What is 1st person