The number of years the Israelites wandered through the wilderness.
What is 40 years?
Finish this verse..."For God so ______ the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever ____________ in Him should not perish by have __________ life.
What is loved, believes, eternal/everlasting?
Double points
John 3:16
Mother of Jesus.
Who is Mary?
This man was the first King of Israel.
Who is Saul?
This item was used to part the Red Sea with Moses.
What is a staff/rod?
City walls that fell after the Israelites marched around it for 7 days.
What is Jericho?
Triple points
Shortest Verse in the Bible.
What is Jesus wept.
*Extra 200 pts if you can tell the verse reference*
Sister of Moses and Aaron and helped protect Moses when he was a baby.
Who is Miriam
double points
This man was swallowed by a great fish after running away from God's command.
Who is Jonah?
double points
This was given to Joseph by his father.
What is a coat of many colors?
Swap points with another team.
Prophet that was taken up to Heaven in a chariot of fire.
Who was Elijah?
In the beginning God created the _____________ and the ______________.
What is heavens and earth
Genesis 1:1
This woman was a prophetess who led Israel in a time of crisis and helped Barak defeat the Canaanites.
Who is Deborah?
Man know for his wisdom.
Who is solomon?
Used by David to defeat goliath.
What is a sling and a stone?
Where Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown.
What is the fiery furnance
Triple points
Fruits of the Spirit
Hint: there are 9 listed in Galatians
What are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control?
This woman was wife of King Ahab and had the prophet Elijah confront her for leading Israel into idolatry.
Who is Jezebel?
Steel 400 points from another team.
This man was a tax collector.
Who is Matthew?
double points
Tool used by Samson to kill a thousand Philistines.
What is the jawbone of a donkey?
This man survived a shipwreck and was bitten by a snake without harm while on his way to Rome.
Who is Paul?
Swap Points
Blessed are the _______________: for they shall be called the children of God.
What are peacemakers?
Woman who helped hide Israelite spies in Jericho.
Who is Rahab?
This man is known as the father of the Israelite nation.
Who is Abraham?
Swap Points with another team
What Jacob saw going to Heaven.
What is a ladder?
Steal 500 points from another team.