Norse Gods
Loki Did What?
Do You Know Your Mythology Teacher? Like...At All?
Ragnarok Was Kinda Weird?

Who is the Norse version of Zeus?



How did Loki trigger the end of the world, as explained in Norse Mythology?

He manipulated Hodur, Baldur's blind brother, into killing Baldur the Beloved.


What is Thor's hammer called?



What's your Mythology teacher's name?

Ms. Roxas


There was a ship carrying monsters, giants, and other creatures to fight with the gods during Ragnarok. What was the ship made out of?



Who is Frigg married to, and who is her favorite son?

Frigg is Odin's wife, and her favorite son is Baldur.


What fish did Loki turn himself into to try to avoid punishment for causing Baldur's death?



In Marvel Rivals, Thor and Loki will be resurrected if killed when Hela defeats an enemy. This team up maneuver is called "Ragnarok Rebirth."

What accurate Norse mythology character trait about Hela did Marvel reference when including this in the game? 

Hela is the Norse goddess of the dead, and she has ability to resurrect the dead. 


What's Ms. Roxas' favorite color?

Baby pink


What does "Naglfar" roughly translate to?

"Nail Farer."


What does Heimdall guard?

The Bifrost, or the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard to the other realms. 


Loki cut this goddess' hair just because it was pretty. Who was she, and what color was her hair?

Lady Sif, Thor's wife, and she was blonde. 


In the Marvel universe, there are many different versions of Loki, such as: Kid Loki, Froki (Loki as a Frog), Lady Loki, Kid Loki, Old Man Loki, Cat Loki. What historically accurate trait from Norse Mythology explains this?

Loki was a shapeshifter.


Which Greek god does Ms. Roxas most identify with?

Prometheus: chained to the rock, tortured daily, much like how it feels to be a teacher in a quiet class :)


How did the materials for "Naglfar" come to be? As in, where did the builders of the ship get their materials?

It is said that every time you lose a toe nail after clipping them, they're collected by demons/monsters and added to the ship.

The Valkyries have two jobs. What are they?

Refilling the cups of warriors in Asgard, and choosing dead warriors off the battlefields to be worthy of going to Asgard. 


Loki had children with a giantess named Angrbooa. What were they?

A wolf and a snake: Fenrir and Jörmungandr.


In Norse mythology, Odin plucks his eye out when he goes to Mimir's Well in order to see the future (i.e. how the world would end). How does Odin lose his eye in the MCU?

He lost it in a battle against the king of the frost giant, Laufey.


Which Greek god was Ms. Roxas' nephew named after?

He was named after Zephyrus, the Greek god of the wind.

In the Marvel Universe, Hela is Loki and Thor's sister. In Norse mythology, they all have different parents. Who are they?

Thor is the son of Odin and Frigg.

Loki is the of Farbauti and Laufey.

Hela is the daughter of Loki and Angrbooa.


What was Loki's punishment for cutting Sif's hair?

His mouth was sewn shut.


In "Thor: Ragnarok," Thor has to fight his friend and fellow Avenger, the Hulk, to the death. How does this plot point relate to Viking/Norse culture?

In Norse culture, Vikings wanted to showcase their bravery in battle. It was a way for them to ensure that their legacies as fierce warriors would live on long after their deaths. 


Which is Ms. Roxas' favorite Greek "hero" and why?

Perseus, because of how he protected his mother :)