What is the name of the highest-ranking officer in the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls?
Supreme Worthy Advisor
What is a group of resting otters called?
a Raft
In what year was the Squam Lakes Science Center founded?
What is the name of the Masonic building used for mettings and ceremonies?
Sweet Toss
Send Someone Up With Good Aim
Marshmallow Toss
Who is eligible to join the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls?
Girls aged 11 to 20.
How long can River Otters hold their breath?
up to 8 minutes
Which of the following trails at the Squam Lake Science Center is 1 mile long? Ecotone Trail Forest Trail Mt. Fayal Trail
This trail to Mt. Fayal Trail, elevation 1,067 feet, offers beautiful views of Squam Lake. You may catch a glimpse of some truly wild creatures or interesting plants and trees. You will also be able to find signs of past human activity on this mountainside, such as remnants of the old Piper Homestead. It includes the ruins of stone foundations of both the farmhouse and barn, and the stone walls outlining former sheep pastures.
What is the title of the Eastern Star's highest-ranking officer?
Worhty Grand Matron
Use Your Head
Send Someone Up With Good Muscles
Cookie Face
Who founded the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls?
Reverend William Mark Sexson
Around what percentage (%) of the world Sea Otter population live in coastal Alaska?
around 90%
How many different types of animals are at the Squam Lake Science Center?
26 animals
What is the title of the leader of a DeMolay chapter?
Master Councilor
Balloon Cup Stack
Send Someone Up With Good Lungs (and no latex allergy)
Balloon Cup Stack
In what year was the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls established?
There are 13 Otter species around the world. How many are native to the U.S.?
2 Sea Otter North American River Otter
In the Science Center they do nature tours what 2 places do they regularly go?
Scotland & New Mexico
What is the title of the highest-ranking Masonic officer in a lodge?
Worshipful Master
Ping-Pong Walk
Send Someone Up With Good Balance
Spoon Ping-Pong Ball Walk
What are the seven colors of the Rainbow, and what do they represent in the Order of the Rainbow for Girls?
Red (Love) Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet
What percenatge (%) of a Sea Otters body weight do they eat every day?
What is the Squam Lake Science Center's podcast called?
The Wild Around Us
What is the symbol of the Order of the Eastern Star?
A five-pointed star
Early Bird Gets the Worm
Send Someone Up With a Sweet Tooth
Early Bird Gets the Worm