Chinese Mommies
Louisiana Daddies
Big Brother Louis
Raising Arizona
Sing Song

This concept emphasizes the importance of academic achievement and is often a central focus for Chinese mothers in guiding their children's education.

What is "tiger mom"?


This iconic Louisiana musician, known for his trumpet and vibrant personality, is often referred to as the "Father of Jazz."

Who is Louis Armstrong?


This large breed, originally bred for rescue work in the Swiss Alps, is famous for its ability to locate and save lost travelers in snow-covered terrain.

What is a St. Bernard?


This actor, who played H.I. McDunnough in Raising Arizona, is known for his roles in films like National Treasure and Face/Off.

Who is Nicolas Cage?


Salt-N-Pepa in this 1980s hit repeat "Ooh, baby, baby" throughout

What is "Push It"?


This classic Chinese parenting advice suggests that children should be raised with a sense of respect and obedience towards their elders.

What is " filial piety"?


This famous Louisiana chef and restaurateur is known for his Creole cuisine and has been featured on the Food Network with his signature catchphrase, "Bam!"

Who is Emeril Lagasse?


This breed was originally bred in Germany and was used for retrieving waterfowl due to its excellent swimming ability.

What is a Poodle?


This actress, who starred as Edwina "Ed" McDunnough in Raising Arizona, is also known for her roles in Fargo and The Big Lebowski.

Who is Holly Hunter?


In this rhyme, three rodents with impaired vision run after an agriculturalist's wife

What is "Three Blind Mice"?


This popular Chinese herbal remedy is often given to children to help boost their immunity and overall health.

What is "ginseng"?


This historic Louisiana town is named after a French general and is also where Daddy to be Shane Bruce Johnston was born. 

What is Lafayette


This 1992 film features a St. Bernard who causes chaos and brings joy to a suburban family, becoming a household name in the process.

What is "Beethoven"?


Raising Arizona was released in this year, marking the Coen brothers' second feature film.

What is 1987?


This 2001 song by Usher features the lyrics “Baby, I’m a star” and was a top hit on the R&B charts.

What is "U Got It Bad"?


This Chinese character meaning "double happiness" is often used in baby celebrations

What is 囍 (shuāngxǐ)?


This significant 19th-century event, known for the acquisition of a large portion of North American territory, involved Louisiana as a key player.

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


This is an object often found on St. Bernards traditionally believed to have been used to carry brandy to stranded travelers.

What is a rescue barrel?


The Coen brothers, Joel and Ethan, wrote and directed Raising Arizona. Joel is known for his frequent collaboration with this actress, his wife, who starred in Fargo.

Who is Frances McDormand?


This popular song/dance is actually about the 1665 Great Plague in London

What is "Ring Around the Rosie"?


In Chinese culture, this traditional practice involves a month-long period of rest and recuperation for new mothers, emphasizing confinement and special care.

What is "zuo yue zi" (sitting the month)?


A Louisiana daddy might teach his child to say this French phrase meaning "Let the good times roll!"

What is "Laissez les bons temps rouler"?


This is the day Louis was born

What is December 28th?


In Raising Arizona, the McDunnoughs' house is depicted as being located in this city, which is also where the film is set.

What is Tucson?


This 1990 hit by Mariah Carey includes the lyrics “Baby, you’ve got me feeling so good” and is one of her early chart-toppers.

What is "Love Takes Time"?