What does "Ramadan Mubarak" mean?
Have a blessed Ramadan
What is the shortest surah in the Quran?
Surat Al-Kawthar
How many prayers are there in a day?
Each letter of the Quran is worth how many hassanaat in Ramadan?
How many names of Allah are there?
Ramadan begins during which month of the Islamic lunar calendar?
How many prophets are mentioned in the Quran?
How many sunnah prayers are there in a day?
5 (12 rakkaat)
What is the reward for fasting the whole month of Ramadan?
All your previous sins will be forgiven
This angel is responsible for blowing the trumpet to announce the Day of Judgment.
Who is Angel Israfil
This Arabic term refers to the act of making up missed fasts after Ramadan.
How many surahs are in the Quran?
How many times do you read surat Al-Fatiha in a day during salah?
Every good deed in Ramadan is multiplied by __.
Name 3 significant events that took place in Ramadan.
1) Quran was revealed
2) The battle of Badr
3) Conquering of Makkah
Which of the five pillars of Islam is sawm (fasting)?
What surah is the heart of the Quran?
Surat Yasin
When are you closest to Allah during Salah?
What act is equivalent to doing Hajj
Umrah during Ramadan
This is the only woman whose name is explicitly mentioned in the Quran.
Who is Maryam
If a person intentionally breaks their fast without a valid reason, they must either fast for 60 consecutive days or feed 60 poor people. This expiation is called what?
How many pages are in the Quran?
This prayer is shortened when a Muslim is traveling a certain distance
Fasting one day in Ramadan is equivalent to fasting __ months outside of Ramadan
These two angels question people in the grave about their faith
Who are Munkar and Nakir