What is the time window for fasting during Ramadan?
This is also the month that we Muslims fast from dawn to dusk, every day.
What is fasting?
Fasting is an act of worship to God, also a form of purification, usually observed in Ramadan. The fast of Ramadan is actually the most observed religious ritual, globally. Fasting is when you don’t eat or drink
What Month of the Islamic (Hijri) calendar is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic (Hijri) calendar.
Why do we fast?
In addition to a command from Allah, Fasting, helps with self-disciple and relating to the poor.
In ramadan what are some sinful actions we try to aviod?
getting angry,swearing and lying
What is Suhoor?
Suhoor is the meal at dawn, and can only be eaten before Fajr (the dawn prayer). After Suhoor, Muslims fast through the day until Iftar.
What is the ramadan moon called
The Ramadan moon is called a hilāl, or crescent moon.
What is iftar?
Iftar is the evening meal, eaten after Maghrib (the evening prayer). Iftar usually has a lot of delicious food, and when there is a group Iftar, everybody tries to make food to give to everybody
Who do you most spend time with during ramadan?
It is a time for good deeds and spending time with friends and family
True or false: The Quran was Reveled during Ramadan