What is the Arabic word for " fasting" ?
Sawm or Siyam
Is it Sunnah to fast for kids?
It is Sunnah until they reach puberty, age 14
Does eating break your fast?
What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is a holy month in Islam when the gates of Heaven are open and the gates of Hell are closed
What is a duaa we say when breaking fast?
" Allahumma laka sumtu wa'ala riqika aftartu "
How long do you fast in Ramadan?
From sunrise to sunset
What is the Sunnah prayer in Ramadan?
Does puberty stop you from fasting?
No, it is mandatory to fast once you hit puberty
What happens to the Shaiyateen in Ramadan?
They are chained up
Who told the world about Ramadan?
The Prophet Muhammed SAW
TRUE OR FALSE: Your fast is mandatory while travel
False, because travelling can cause hunger
Why is it not Sunnah for kids to fast while in the puberty stage?
Fasting is obligatory for all Muslims.
Does vomiting stop you from fasting?
Yes, due to vomit, you have to take some medication to stop the vomit.
What do we break fast with?
What moon do you have to see to know the next day is Ramadan?
New crescent moon (hilal)
Whose fast is mandatory in Islam?
What age do you start fasting?
Once you hit PUBERTY, it is MANDATORY.
Does blood break your fast?
If the amount is large and that has an effect on the person's body, then this invalidates their fast
Which month of Islam is Ramadan in?
The ninth
What is the most famous Hadith about Ramadan? And who narrated it?
" Whoever fasts the entirely of Ramadan and then follows it with 6 days of fasting from the next month, Shawwal, that will be equal in reward to fasting everyday for a year." Narrated by Tirmidhi
Which type of women don't have to fast?
Breastfeeding women and pregnant women
Who said it is Sunnah to pray Taraweeh?
The Prophet Muhammed SAW
Can kids break their fast early?
Why do we fast?
To gain Taqwa
What day of Eid is it HARAM to fast?
The first day