The King
What is Al-Malik?
Which group of 10 days should you increase in charity
The Last 10
First Surah in the Book
What is Al-Fatiha?
Prophet SAW Uncles name
What is Abu Talib ibn Abd Al-Muttalib?
When you're stuck on a decision, you pray this prayer
The Al-Mighty
What is Al-Aziz
The Surah revealed this month
Surah Al-Alaq
Surah equivalent to 1/3 of the Quran
What is Surat Al-Ikhlas?
The woman who nursed the Prophet SAW
Halima RA
When you completely trust Allah
The Provider/Provides/Bestows Blessing
What is Ar-Razzaq?
Ramadan is the ____ month on the Islamic Calendar
The Surah that does not start with Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
What is Surah At-Tawbah?
The daughter that was closest to the Prophet
Fatimah AS
Staying in the mosque for a long time and focusing on worship
The Subtle One
What is Al-Latif?
Battle that took place in Ramadan
Battle of Badr
Allah SWT revealed this Surah after a Yemeni king and his people plotted to attack the Kaaba
What is Surah Al-Fil?
His job before prophethood
Hadith that goes "This dunya is not worth the wing of a _____"
The Extender/Expander
What is Al-Basit?
Each Ashra (10 days) of Ramadan have a theme. In order, what are they?
Mercy, Forgiveness, Freedom from Hell
This surah was revealed after the year of sorrow
What is Surah Yusuf?
Approximate year the Prophet was born
570 AD
Pillars of Islam in order
1. Shahada 2. Salah 3. Zakat 4. Fast 5. Hajj