The name of the meal before dawn when fasting
What is Suhoor?
This is the famous night in which the Quran was revealed
What is Layylut Al-Qadr?
If you are exempt from fasting, this is what you do instead
What is feeding 1 poor person?
This act of worship will move your face away from the Hellfire by a distance of 70 years
What is fasting?
This month in the Hijri calendar when the Quran was revealed
What is Ramadan?
The name of the meal at sunset when fasting
What is Iftar?
This is the order of Ramadan in the Hijri calendar
What is the 9th month?
Besides eating and drinking, this common act also breaks your fast
What is smoking?
Even if you want to break your fast, this is what stops you from breaking it
What is Taqwa (having the fear of Allah)?
Ramadan is called the month of...
What is mercy?
The order of fasting Ramadan in the pillars of Islam
What is the 4th pillar?
This is the first famous battle that occurred during Ramadan
What is the Battle of Badr?
In a hadeeth, the Prophet said when fasting, you should also stop doing these 2 things
What is giving up inappropriate speech and evil actions?
This act is equivalent in reward to doing Hajj
What is Umrah in Ramadan?
This occurs at every Iftar in Ramadan
What is Allah redeems some people from the Hellfire?
This signifies the beginning and ending of Ramadan
What is the new moon birth?
This is the hijra year that fasting Ramadan became obligatory
What is the 2nd year of hijra?
This specific fast, if added to Ramadan, is like fasting the whole year
What is fasting 6 days in Shawwal?
This gate in Jannah admits only those who fast
What is Bab Ar-Rayyan?
These 2 actions will intercede for you on the Day of Judgement if practiced regularly
What is reading the Quran and fasting?
This is the moon phase when Ramadan starts
What is waxing crescent?
This is the second famous battle that occurred during Ramadan
What is Fatih Makkah (Conquest of Makkah)?
This action should be hastened when fasting
What is breaking the fast?
The Prophet instructed his wife Aisha to say this specific dua during Laylatul Qadr
What is "اللهم إنك عفوٌ تُوحِبُ الغَفوَ فاعفُ عَني (Allahumma innaka 'affuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'anni') O Allâh! You are forgiving and You love forgiveness, so forgive me"?
These 3 actions occur in Ramadan to help us overcome our desires
What are the gates of Hell are closed, the gates of Jannah are open, and the Shaytaan is chained?