How long do you fast?
From sunrise to sunset (Fajr to Maghrib)
This night is better than a thousand months.
Laylatul Qadr (The night of power)
Ramadan is the Month of this
Month of Mercy
Who doesn't have to fast during Ramadan? (at least 3)
The pregnant, the sick, travelers, the elderly, and the children.
How long is Ramadan?
29 - 30 days
Your fast breaks when...
You eat or drink
The month during which the Quran was revealed
Ramadan is the______ pillar of Islam.
4th pillar
What does Suhoor mean?
Pre - dawn meal
It is essential to do this action to fast the month of Ramadan.
The intention of fasting Ramadan.
Hasten or Rush to do this act.
Breaking the fast. (Iftar)
Ramad means _____
These significant events took place in the Month of Ramadan
The Quran was revealed, The Battle of Badr, The Conquest of Makkah
What comes after Ramadan?
Eid Al - Fitr
The amount of people needed to testify the beginning of Ramadan (i.e. Sighting the moon)
One trustworthy Muslim
The gates of hell are closed, gates of heaven open, and the devils are chained up.
Allah SWT is not in need of him who fasts but does not give up these two things.
Giving up forged speech(i.e. lies) and evil actions
What phase is the moon in when Ramadan starts?
Waxing crescent
The amount of people needed to testify the end of Ramadan (i.e. Eid)
Two trustworthy Muslims
Muslims are not allowed to fast on this day.
30 of Sha'aban and Eid
Fasting in Ramadaan is equivalent to fasting____months.
Feeding a homeless person/ Fidya.